
Thursday, November 9, 2017

How the press celebrated October Revolution

One hundred years ago.  It wasn't really dwelt upon, in fairness.  Not like American slavery, or the Trail of Tears, or the Inquisition, or the Crusades (the bad, Christian part), or the Atomic Bombs, or the internment of Japanese citizens (just Japanese, nobody else), or Jim Crow, or segregation, or the persecution of Jews in Europe, or European and American colonialism.  Those need no anniversaries.  Not a week will go by without several of those being brought up in some outlet or another.  Not a day goes by without at least one of them mentioned somewhere.
But the October Revolution?  Not a whole lot was mentioned at all.  The press did cover it, sort of.  It was mentioned a couple times.  Not much focus.  Here are a few stories, from here and abroad, mostly looking at the good and the bad, the complexities, or just a nice slide show.  Here, here, here, here and here

Again, nothing big, nothing altogether bad.  Not much worth dwelling on. Move along folks.  Nothing to see.

Have I mentioned that the modern Left pines for another October Revolution?  Perhaps the press just didn't want to let the cat out of the bag.

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