
Thursday, November 9, 2017

But why?

The tell all book by Donna Brazile is causing quite the buzz.  The press is on it, and talking about it everywhere.  In some cases, it appears Ms. Brazile has backtracked.  In others, there appear to be no real challenges to what she says.  Despite the fact that, given her own example of colluding with the Clintons as a member of the media, it would be easy to discredit her.

Of course the book is completely damning for the Clinton campaign, since it seems to validate just about everything everyone suspected: that Clinton ran a corrupt, underhanded, political machine styled campaign, making back room deals with anyone and everyone to thwart the process in her favor, with the DNC and most of the political left in on the joke. 

More than that, some of the other criticisms that were dismissed as Right Wing wacko gossip, might turn out to have some truth behind them.

In other words.  Whew.  Thank goodness she lost.  Trump might be Trump, an obnoxious, and at times vulgar, temperamental blowhard.  But Clinton represented real, deep down in the bloodstream corruption and deception.  The sort of lies and duplicity that define true Machiavellian politics at its worst.

But my question is, why?  Why is the press, which obviously hoisted Clinton up during the campaign, and all but openly supported her and fought against Trump, turning on her now?  When something like this happens, the press is more than happy to bury the story.  If it's not what they want, they'll have a day of 'experts and pundits' coming out to trash the book, then they file it in the circular file of forgotten stories.

Why is the press all over this now?  There has to be a reason.  Just what that reason is can only be guessed.

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