
Monday, October 9, 2017

You have to admit he's good

Jeopardy is the only modern TV show we watch as a family.   The boys love it, and we've often suggested our second oldest try out.  Nonetheless, it's the one show I can identify that is produced since Obama became president.

They've had their favorite champs over the years, but right now, it's 'quirky' champion Austin Rogers.  A strange fellow, he seems at first off-putting because of his mannerisms, but he grows on you.  He does his own thing, that's for sure.  And more important than anything, he's good.  He doesn't seem to know those obscure facts that other champs always appear to know, like what is the name of some bizarre two celled organism that lives for three months under the northern glaciers of Antarctica.  But he knows a lot about a lot. 

Perhaps it's his experience as a bartender.  I don't know.  But he's the second Jeopardy champ to catch a public eye this year, and so far, he appears to be a force to be reckoned with. 

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