
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Is White the new N-Word?

I'm just curious.  2016 showed that pleading for the concerns and sufferings of White Americans would, at best, result in scorn and mockery.  At worst, you would be schooled on how they are likely just upset they're losing their White privilege, which equates to racism anyway, so who cares.  They're getting what they have coming to them.  I was informed of that more than once while I was at Patheos.

In short, it's racism.  Of course it's racism.  Judging people as racists because they are White.  Dismissing their sufferings because they are White.  Mocking their suffering because they are White.  It's racist.  Duh.

The fact that the biggest culprits happen to be White liberals doesn't take away the sin.  History has a long list of people willing to sell out their kith and kin for the sake of fitting in with the latest rising power.

I thought of this as I saw a recent post by Mark Shea (Hint: Not all who agree with Trump about the NFL protests are White), perhaps of all Catholic bloggers, the most guilty of using 'White' exclusively in a pejorative manner.  For eight months, I have not seen him use the word 'White' except as a negative.  As an insult.  As a new variation of the N-word. The way he uses White is no different than the way Neo Nazis or KKK protesters use the word Jew or Black or Muslim. Or the N-Word - always in a negative.

That was the N-Word in a nutshell.  It was a word with only one purpose: to be a negative, a put down, a way of dissing an entire people as a negative, of judging them with one quick word.  That is exactly what 'White' has become among the Left.  From the long over-used 'White privilege', to assuming racism or evil because of the skin color of White Americans, to making preemptive judgments of people based on the assumption it only applies to Whites, even if it might apply to others, it is nothing other than the new N-Word.

Just because it's the racism endorsed by the press, academics, entertainers and civic leaders of the day, it's still wrong.   After all, dissing on Blacks and Jews or other minorities was all the rage among the same groups in other eras.

This is serious by the way.  I've often said the problem with history is that you have to wait for it to happen to study it.  With our endless access to information, and the high level of attention put on racism and bigotry, it shouldn't be difficult to recognize this trend, even when directed at White people by White people.  And yet, as is too often the case through history, we miss laying the foundations for the next Great Evil.

Here is a list of examples.

In these, Mark uses 'White' negatively, as an insult, and does so exclusively.  Note, these are not cases where the debate is about White Supremacists groups, or even Trump's responses to such things.  Nor are they about actual racism, or the roll of race in history, or cases where it is in reference to something Whites think in some poll.  These are only cases where the term White does not need to be used.  For instance, that not all who support Trump or his economic policies are White.  Or that not all who think there is a coming persecution of Christians are White (a visiting priest from West Africa often made that case in his homilies, and I could't help notice is non-Whiteness).

These are cases where the word "White" has been used negatively, as an insult, and as a way to frame the debate in a racial manner when it does not need to be. It's use is meant to conjure a negative image of a group of people, however inaccurately, based on race. Not once did I find an example of "Whites" used in any positive sense that month.  This list is only through September, BTW.

If you don't think this is a big deal, imagine a Catholic blogger using 'Black', or 'Arab', or 'Jew' in such a way, when it doesn't necessarily apply, and always in the negative.  Do you think anyone would care?  Do you think the Church would care?  The Church leadership's own silence about this is troubling.

Of course racism, like all bigotry, will continue.  There's nothing special about our generation.  There will be more racism, bigotry, discrimination, oppression, genocides, tyrannies.  It's the way of things.  Fallen world after all.  Who knows, maybe spending less time focused on old, dead Confederate soldiers and more on what is going on with the world around us among our own hand picked demographics might be a better strategy. It might help Catholics dodge a rising evil rather than consign our posterity to endless apologizing for our own lack of wisdom.

A Catholic apologist embracing this is an example of how the Church seems to easily embrace such evils throughout the ages.  For evil it is.  It is racism.  It is an intrinsic evil.  It is worthy of the fires of hell.  But as is all too common throughout history, it is the evil embraced by the beautiful people of the day's society, so Catholics and their leaders are less inclined to recognize it, since Satan is always tough to see when he dresses as the gentleman at the coolest party.

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