
Saturday, October 21, 2017

The press has already spent more time focusing on Niger than it ever did Benghazi

I don't have time to link to all the sources I've found.  This doesn't count the media two step.  That's when the press does cover something because it has to, but only in the most basic, shallow and fleeting manner possible.  So after Benghazi stopped being about violence provoked by Islamophobic bigotry, the story essentially went away.

No wailing about the dead, no real push back against the administration, no endless geography or history lessons about Benghazi and its place in the region, no media driven probe into who and how the story got it so wrong from the beginning, no household names made of the victims.  The only time it would be covered would be under the template 'GOP lawmakers today made more inquires about Benghazi', usually followed by interviews with Democrats insisting it was all political or just a bunch of nothing.  End of story, onto the latest fashion show story.

Of course at no point did the press ever link it to Hillary, much less Obama.  On those occasions where attempts to link the tragedy to the leadership or hold the Obama administration responsible, the press rushed in like a safety in football running up to tackle the runner.  I think we all remember the Candy Crowley incident in 2012.

Compare that to now.   John Kelly is a liar they're saying.  Trump was disrespectful because a congresswoman in a rhinestone cowboy hat says so.  I've learned more about Niger in the last few days than I've ever learned about Idaho.  Questions, inquiries, probes, investigations, calls for more information - it's been around the clock.  And this is really just week one.

The press says it's Trump's fault for how he responded to a question about why Trump didn't talk about the ambush that the press had barely mentioned.  Nonetheless, I think that sane people can see the writing on the wall.  Just as we've seen regarding the Weinstein scandal, we no longer have a press.  We have a Pravda.  And that is not a defender of freedom, but a threat to it.

The best that can happen is that our own Pravda will help be the downfall and end to the American experiment.  The worst that can happen is that those Christians who are beholden to the Left will begin to see life, as the press sees it, as something that is not sacred, but is convenient.  Just like women being assaulted, soldiers being killed, Blacks being murdered, or whatever.

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