
Friday, October 20, 2017

It takes a lot to make Donald Trump look like the respectable one in a debate

But congresswoman Fredrica Wilson has done a bang-up job doing just that

I've avoided the whole shameful, disgraceful controversy.   To me, it shows the rot of the heart and soul of our "nation".  I don't exonerate Trump, whose own statement about presidents who call and don't call the families of fallen soldiers was more than problematic. And I have no problem believing that Trump might say something in an awkward way, even though I've heard the phrase 'he knew what he signed up for' used a million times if I've heard it once, and always in a positive manner regarding our veterans. 

Nonetheless, the fact that Wilson exploited this in order to score anti-Trump points isn't the problem, in all due respect to John Kelly. It's the press that didn't skin her alive.  If this had been some GOP congressman, or Trump, exploiting the death of a solider for political points - THAT would be the story.  The press would be on that person like white on rice.  That is the real problem.

I'll say no more about this, because I feel dirty even mentioning it.  It isn't even about exploiting the fallen soldiers. It's about Politics as God that has become American life.  It's everywhere, and in everything.  It dictates when we care about sexual assault, and when we don't give a damn.  It dictates when we care about Blacks being murdered, and when we don't give a damn.  It dictates when religion is good for something, and when it's good for nothing.  It infects every aspect of our life, in every arena, in every sphere of public interaction. 

A congresswoman using the death of a soldier for political points, and then casually laughing about how the whole thing has made her a rock star, should be the end of her career.  Twenty years ago it would have been the end.  The problem is, a day ago it would have been, if it was a Republican doing it for points against a Democrat.  In that case, the press would be doing the right thing. The fact that the press isn't doing the right thing for the obvious reason is, more than any part of this sad story, the real problem.

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