
Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Decline and Fall of West Point

Donald McClarey has the bad news here.  The Left is like a plague of locusts.  It destroys everything it infests.  That's its purpose.  Think on the Communist revolutions of the 20th century.  Not one wasn't met with slaughter, destruction and the complete eradication of the society or culture they seized.

Compare that to the Founding Fathers.  Our Revolution broke from England and rejected a monarchical form of government.  Beyond that, however, look at how much of English law, custom, tradition and values our country kept.  They rejected what they believed din't work, and kept what did.

Communism, on the other hand, destroyed everything in its path.  And it brutally enforced its desire to destroy the culture.  In other places, where more moderate forms of progressive ideals have taken shape?  It's more of a slow suicide than anything else.  Consider modern Europe as an example.

In America, the Left wants to destroy.  It wants to destroy the Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was founded.  But it wants to destroy the nation out of which it emerged just the same.  That is the value in racism.  A legitimate failing and sin in our past, it is used to bludgeon anything and everything and everyone ever associated with our nation or its past.  And it is done so in order to burn the entire American and Western tradition to the ground and build it in yet another Leftist, Bolshevik inspired and Marxist driven dreamland.

So it should come as no surprise that West Point, like any number of institutions that have been infiltrated by this ideology, should begin to crumble into dust.  No rules, but that you hate America; no values, but that you reject a Judeo-Christian world view; no standards, but that you receive the promise of narcissism and hedonism, and let the nation and its pillars burn.  What did we expect?


  1. The erosion of values in the home has caused the decline of the honor that we have within ourselves, as individuals. When we do not have honor in ourselves we can not possibly expect to replace the individuals that have given us so many opportunities by forming the greatest Country in the world. Now, instead of honoring those that serve our nation in honor, we revere those that feel entitled by just being here, we revere those that would take a knee to the very symbols that honor those that created our Country, those that have given their lives and those that continue to keep our Country free. Now, the very fabric of that which maintains our freedom is in decline, not due to those that enter the institution, but from the leadership that is more interested in themselves than our Nation.

    A Decorated Combat Veteran of Vietnam


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