
Monday, October 16, 2017

Good to hear

Apparently over 1000 ISIS fighters surrendered.  No mention of Trump or the Unite States, so it can't have had anything to do with us or the president's strategy.

But whatever dumb, blind luck has turned things around, I'm thankful. Only a couple years ago, ISIS was running amok.  Almost every week seemed to bring some gruesome, hideous torture or death of endless innocents.  As soon as a defeat appeared imminent, ISIS would pop up somewhere nearby, only to destroy and obliterate entire regions.  Meanwhile its clarion call to all who would join the fight was heard, and from individual killings to mass attacks, hundred were dying around the world every year at their soldiers' hands.

And suddenly, it all appears to be crumbling. This time, there are no corresponding reports of ISIS making headway anywhere else.  Entire areas appear to be falling to allied forces.  Defeat has certainly become more common, and ISIS's attempts to claim the Las Vegas shooting, even though it had nothing to do with it, suggests desperation on their part.

Now, 1000 ISIS fighters, men who had pledged eternal loyalty to the cause or die trying, have surrendered.  What's more than that, they seem to have done so because it is clear the cause is lost.  That is good news.  I'm sure that attacks will continue.  It's not easy to eradicate something like this, and violence will unfortunately trickle along.  But hopefully it will be nothing like it was.

Again, whatever has made the difference I don't know.  But I'm glad it's happened, and thankful to whoever or whatever brought it about.

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