
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Remember when ignorance was not a virtue?

Our pop culture and Ministry of Truth have worked for decades to convince us that people who hold traditional values, classic morality and common sense are the morons.  People who see a piece of home decor and have a fit because it features cotton, on the other hand, are the true geniuses.

It's a mark of the power of propaganda that educated people would even think this, much less find support for their observation.  One of the problems with the whole 'coded language' or 'trigger words' concept is that they can be anything.  Big Brother never dreamed of a world where any word could suddenly and randomly be a secret code for unacceptable thinking.  Buy yourself a cotton shirt?  Why, tomorrow that could be code for the fact that you love Hitler!

That is the state of ignorance in America today.  And since it is exactly what the Left wants, it will not be how the Ministry of Truth covers the story.  If it covers it at all - which would not be the wise move - it will make sure it's given some credibility by deflecting the conversation to the history of racism, Jim Crow, slavery, the Confederacy, Nazis, or anything else that can prop up the idiocy with some manner of credibility.

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