
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Global Warming and our Faith in Science

I agree with Jonah Goldberg.  I've never quite known what people mean when they speak of 'believing in science.'  And like Goldberg, I notice that many who question the dominant Global Warming narrative are hardly haters of science.  Some have likely forgotten more science than I'll ever know.

They just think that the dominant narrative isn't accurate.  To one degree or another.  Some believe most of it is wrong, others think that some of it is correct, but there's a ton of hot gas swirling around that core of truth.  Count me in that last group.  Though my own view is less to do with my grasp of science as it is just watching the behavior that swirls around the debate.

Nonetheless, the reactionaries are quick to regurgitate a rehearsed boilerplate, often trying to find some chink in a question, rather than answer it, and frequently employing such empty comebacks as 'you don't believe in science.'  Which is funny, given how often issues on the Left rely on looking away at what the science does and doesn't say.  Or, as often as not, picking the scientists or the research that says what they want to hear.  A common trend hardly confined to any group.

Anyway, Goldberg has fun with the latest example of being between a rock and a hard place when your goto retort is 'anyone who even thinks of questioning the 'science' must hate science. 

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