
Friday, September 29, 2017


Or the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.  Here is an old post I did for this day.  My reference point was Fish Eaters, a fine site for people coming into the Church.  It's traditionalist, but it has a nice break down on the who, what, why, when and how of being Catholic.

My only problem was visiting the site as a Protestant, and imagining it represented par for the course within the hallowed halls of the Catholic parish.  I was shocked, therefore, to find out how few of these customs and traditions were that big of a deal, at least in our neck of the woods.  Disappointed might be a good way of saying it. 

Perhaps it's a sign of the times that the day elicits this post over at The American Catholic.  A reminder of where things have gone and how they have evolved over the years. 

BTW, Michaelmas is pronounced "MICKel-mus".  Just in case it comes up in conversation.

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