
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Why are young people swinging pro-life?

In this case, technology might be helping:

Nods to Catholic Online for the image
After all, it's tough to embrace the old Phil Donahue line, vaguely applied, about a fetus being nothing other than a ball of sludge the size of a peanut.  Instead, we're having folks have to keep up with the times by saying 'yes, it's a viable, beautiful  living baby - and I'd gladly abort the hell out of it for money and orgasms, who cares if it's a baby!'*  Still, a growing number of young people are getting the heebie-geebies about such rhetoric, and for now, the images and good old common sense seem to be making headway.

FWIW, the more I think of Williams' article, the more I'm reminded of this other bit of stellar morality from the Bard's pen:
I have sucked a baby, and I know how sweet it is to love the baby at my breast.  But even as the baby was smiling up at me, I would have plucked my nipple out of its mouth and smashed its brains out against a wall if I had sworn to do that the same way you have sworn to do this." Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 7
And that's for the more noble purpose of keeping an oath, not maintaining a life of hedonism and narcissism.  What is it about our post-modern era that takes the horrors of human history that warped even the most noble ideas and repackages them for our own petty and selfish desires?

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