
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tina Turner to become Swiss citizen

Yep, you heard right, soul rocker and Thunderdome crooner Tina Turner is looking to become an official member of the country known for cheese and ski resorts.  Why do I care?  Well, I don't really.  But it's the stuff the media has been talking about the last few days, rather than focus on those half-million people who turned out for the March for Life rally.  Finding actual stories about it has been like digging for gold.  I found one news broadcast, but the reporter was stationed in front of a handful of pro-choice protesters  and it never once showed anyone from the March for Life. Kudos to this Washington Post article for mentioning the large percentage of young people.  Since we all know how important public opinion is to such things as gay marriage, I wonder who the MSM will do when it comes to growing public opinion about limiting abortions.

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