
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Light blogging right now

But making sure I tend to the important things!  Here are the boys at our eleven year old's All City Choir Concert this last Monday night.  It has the choirs from all the grades from sixth grade on up, giving the equivalent of a two hour concert.  One of my most favorite times of the year.  I love watching them grow in their talents.  The older two are not in choir this year (through a scheduling snafu at the middle school, my thirteen year old was given the choice of band OR choir, he chose band).  So they're up with the family.  Here they are listening, singing, or doing whatever it is they do!

OK, so he's more interested in the camera - at least they weren't singing yet

I don't know if they were posing, or were really that interested in the program

And making his grand entrance!  What a ham

He sings with such concentration, sometimes that jovial slap-happy personality can be overlooked

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