
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Could the NYT be fooling us?

Nah.  I'm sure it's just a coincidence.  Over at Mark Shea's blog, he finds an article from The Daily Caller, in which we are informed that poll numbers strongly suggest that the majority of Americans are a bit nervous about Obama's naked attack on Religious Liberty.  Of course this isn't how it's being played in the ministry of propaganda.  Across most of the MSM, including the very poll cited in the NYT, the narrative is one of helpless damsels being assaulted by some invisible attack on women.  Naturally, the MSM assures us that all good Americans care about women's health.  OK, they probably do.  Thus, somewhere along the line this is all supposed to play out in a way that suggests Americans care about women and don't want to see them attacked, therefore most Americans support Obama's HHS mandate. 

Just for safe measure, this is covered with a liberal helping of stories and segments constantly reminding us that the greatest human tragedy since the Holocaust was not the Killing Fields of Cambodia, but instead was Rush Limbaugh's unparalleled attack on the dignity of womanhood.  The hope being, again, to keep Americans' eyes off the assault on fundamental rights and freedoms.

The good news?  Despite joke jockeys, legal zealots, and a propaganda media firmly in the tank of select political power structures, Americans aren't buying it.  At least not the majority.  The bad news, of course, is that so many Americans have been swayed into thinking that the most important rights that the Constitution protects are the rights to decadence, debauchery, narcissism and hedonism.  That such a number would see the rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech as somehow subordinate to those less visible rights contained between the lines of our founding documents, shows just how far from the intellectual tree of our founding has the fruit of post-Baby Boomer America truly fallen.

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