
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Catholics against Post-Modern Tyranny

Can be rest assured that the Bishops were not fooled by the persecutor-in-chief's latest time out.  Yes, it was a time out.  It was meant to rally the troops and stop the opposition's momentum.  When you have Chris Matthews saying you've overstepped the line, and you have Jews, Protestants, Catholics, and even liberal secularists jumping on board saying you've overstepped the line, it's time to call time out.

That's what Obama did.  It worked, to a point.  Liberal and leftist Catholics and non-Catholics immediately praised the decision, moved on, and called for us to get back to important things. But the Bishops appear to see this for what it is, a small inching movement toward post-Christian tyranny, where the Church is forced to conform to a government that opposes its foundational beliefs.  Many will join, as they always have.  Whether is was aligning with Hugo Chavez, the Nazis, Henry VIII, or whatever, you always have those Christians willing to join forces with the executioners that they may avoid being executed. 

But so far, at least enough haven't been fooled as to comfort non-conformists that the hour of their persecution has not yet arrived.  We'll see how this unfolds.

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