
Saturday, February 11, 2012

A biology lesson from the good Katherine Ragsdale

President of the Episcopal Divinity School. A diseased organ:

A diseased lung
Not a diseased organ:

A good, healthy lung
A diseased organ:

Our youngest, about two months before his birth

Not a diseased organ (or so we assume):

Our youngest son, less than a year after his birth

This from her recent appearance on FOX News, in which she was asked to clarify how an abortion can be a blessing*.  Easy, she explained.  If a person has a heart attack or other diseased organ, it is dealt with and we celebrate.  If a woman's health is in question, the diseased organ is dealt with and we celebrate.  Of course in most cases, doctors will fight like a mad dog to avoid actually removing an organ unless there are no other options, but apparently since it's only a pre-born baby (see third picture above), it's no big deal.  Actually, the health of the baby wasn't even brought up in Ms. Ragsdale's explanation.

If you hear this and other pontificating by the post-liberal Left, and you begin entertaining images of:

Don't worry.  It shows that either you've done your homework, or you still have not squelched that divine spark within yourself that has produce a spirit and heart that screams for justice at the thought of such horror.  Maybe both!  May God soften the hearts of those who lay the bedrock for future genocides, and protect the innocent from their machinations.  Amen.

*At about the 5:00 mark, the issue comes up of her idea about 'abortion as blessing.'

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