
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Speaking of gay tolerance

It looks like our good friends in the Gay Rights Movement failed in their efforts to press PayPal into calling on its inner Orwell.  It wasn't for a lack of trying.  They almost got this whole freedom of speech and non-discrimination garbage tossed out the window.  But PayPal, being the wimpy organization that it is, buckled and decided that, in this case at least, it would allow a pro-life activist to access his funds.  That was darn swell.  The part of me that has always yearned for the good old days of pogroms and gulags will have to wait until an industry with a backbone finally steps up and calls it they way the GRM and other liberal post-modern activists want: all rights are values based - if you don't have post-modern secular values, you don't have rights!

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