
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

An eight year old proclaims the post-modern gospel

And The Upshot beams with pride. Apparently Michele Bachmann was confronted by a sincere and devoted proponent of gay rights at a book signing event the other day.  This well read and deeply committed activist walked right up to Ms. Bachmann and clearly stated his case: My mommy's gay, but she doesn't need fixing!

It may seem a bit shallow, but hey!  This is an eight year old after all.  Give him a break. No doubt he had come up with this stance all on his own.  After all, we religious people know how wrong it is to indoctrinate our kids, so I'm sure the good mother(s)?  in question have been very open about presenting all the facts on the issue from all sides to our young master Elijah. And that's good.  Remember, liberalism is all about opening your mind and being willing to question everything.

Update:  On the upside, it looks like several readers are not joining in on the celebrations of this bold, freethinking eight year old.  Most are saying it gives them the creeps that this kid, at the tender age of eight, is so in tune with his mother's sexual preferences.  The MSM, of course, continues to gush in love and adoration.  One headline read 'Eight year old leaves Bachmann speechless.'  Yeah, since the kid basically walked up, said his speech, and then walked away.  I suppose Bachmann could have jumped over the table and tackled the boy and made him listen.  But it pretty much was a hit job, lovingly placed in the hands of a child in order to advance what is most important in our post-modern world.

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