
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I have an awesomely cool family

So Sunday was my birthday.  45 years old.  Because I was mostly happy about being here, I didn't ask for or expect much else.  But when I came home from a morning RCIA meeting at our local parish, I was greeted with this sign, professionally made by my two middle sons:

From there, things got interesting.  After an obligatory birthday nap, I was greeted by this little feast:

Here's a close up:

Why make just another cake when you can get cupcakes, arrange them with the letters needed for happy birthday Dad 45, and display them in all their chocolate glory?

On top of that, my boys made sure I had some presents to open.  On Saturday, unbeknownst to me, the older two went to a couple nearby stores by themselves and looked to get me some candies often reserved for Christmas.  Then after church, they went to buy me some games and a movie - with their own money - they thought I would enjoy.  They were right.  Not only did I enjoy the presents, I loved the thought and I adored that they did it themselves, with their own initiative, with a little help from their Mom. 

A very happy birthday.  Brought to me by one cool and loving family.  Thanks everyone!

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