
Thursday, December 1, 2011

ABC hearts bullies

Gay Rights advocates rejoice with pride as an eighth grader turns in this little class project.  Looks like his school challenged kids to develop a public service announcement admonishing children to stop with the freedom of speech using the phrase 'that's so g-y.'  The eighth grade hero of the story responded by making a PSA in which he - horrors - uses the 'G' word.  Well yeah, he actually uses the name God as an expletive, but that just might offend religious people and nobody cares.

No, he uses that word.  In a derogatory way.  And so his younger brother rushes up to him and BAM!  smacks him in the face and chastises him for using the phrase 'That's so g-y.'  He even hits him in the face again to make sure it sticks. 

I know, I know.  It's just a silly skit by a kid trying to please his school.  And yet think about it.  Had the boy said he was gay, and had his brother rushed up and smacked him and said, "Don't be gay!  It's a dangerous lifestyle and is against the traditional understanding of human sexuality!', can you imagine what the response would be?  Why, CNN would devote the next month to asking where we all went so wrong.  ABC certainly wouldn't be cheering.  They would be linking violence, spanking, bullying, homophobia, you name it. 

But it's to promote the dogmas of the Left.  It's to adhere to the teachings of Gay Rights.  It's all about pushing that agenda, brainwashing the kiddies, and making sure people know that it's time for all you nonconformists out there to kiss your free speech goodbye.  Show a clip with a kid smacking another kid for any reason at all, and it will be condemned.  Glorifying bullying and violence huh?  Typical for you homophobic bigot types! Unless, of course, it is to promote the most important issue in the world.

Did I mention we have been thinking seriously about homeschooling?  Though there is a bright spot.  It looks like most readers who have commented are a bit shy about getting rid of all this freedom of speech garbage.  Maybe there's still some good old horse sense left in Americans after all.

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