
Monday, October 31, 2011

Symptoms of a dying civilization

If you're looking for evidence that America, and indeed Western Civilization, is beginning to wheeze its last gasps of breath before passing into the hereafter of history, you need go no further than this story.  A boy who's been dressed in dresses by his parents is shocked that the Girl Scouts will not have him.  The Girl Scouts, not exactly a bastion of traditional values, thought it was progressive enough.  Turns out not.  Gay Rights advocates and academics (as if there's a difference there) jump in to remind us that all this gender stuff is the result of ages old bad-think.

Of course, there's a little throwback to old time liberalism's mantra of 'it's all relative.'  But fool me once you know.  I stopped believing in such rubbish as I saw the apostles of tolerance and diversity increasingly seek to eradicate and oppress anyone who fails to conform to their dogmatic doctrines.  So while 'it's all relative' might help win the argument in a society that would gladly don the chains of servitude for a little sex, down the road we'll see yet one more case of yesterday's progressive principle tossed aside in favor of brutal censorship, oppression, and demands for goodthink.  Whether or not the rest of our society sees it or not will determine if this symptom points to a sickness that can be overcome, or one that will eventually overcome all of us.

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