
Monday, October 31, 2011

Cain opponents forget the times we live in

Apparently Herman Cain may have sexually harassed some women back in the day.  Of course, back in the day that might have meant something.  But you see, this is the PC period in American history.  Not politically correct, but post-Clinton.  Remember, during the later phase of the Clinton scandal, after he was forced to admit he had lied to America and falsely accused the GOP of lying about him, we were informed by our brightest and smartest that all this had to do with sex, and so was unimportant.  It was sex.  And with that, who cares?  Why, pundits and supporters actually went on to insist we Americans needed to get with the times.  Who cares about character, truth, perjury, values, morals?  As long as Clinton was giving us the greatest economy in the history of the universe*, that's all we should care about, right?  After all, it's the economy stupid!

Never before has a single presidency done more to destroy the moral fabric of American society than the Clinton Administration.  He showed that a massive swath of our country was willing to sell its birthright for a bowl of stew.  And ironically, it ended up losing that stew as many said we would.

*FWIW, as early as 1998, some economists were suggesting our economy wasn't really that wonderful.  They were concerned that much of the purchasing was being done on debt, personal and corporate debt, and if it didnt' turn around, everything could blow up in our face.  But what did they know. 

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