
Friday, June 17, 2011

Where I will be for many moons to come

Having started a new career at Aflac, I am more or less the beginner of my own business.  That means, as any small business owner knows, work, and work, and work, and work.  And lots and lots of time.  Given that I do guard my time with my family, and do it jealously, I'll be giving what time I have left over to them.  I might actually be able to do more with our parishes because if the schedule can be back breaking, it is at least somewhat normal, and it is mine to (usually) plan.  After the first couple months that is.  Until then, it will be many hours gone, training, getting certified, passing tests, and doing all that fun stuff. 

So while our good president continues to focus on the one thing he seems passionate about, and leaving those other things like the economy and foreign wars to just multiple and divide as the course of events move themselves, I will rest at ease.  I may pop in once in a while to cheer on the Gay Rights movement for being the one demographic that commands the attention of our illustrious leader while all other things are collapsing, but otherwise will have to pick and choose the time I have to post.

I also will take this time to reevaluate my identity as a blogger.  I have not tried to be a "Catholic Blogger", for there are too many temptations to go off the straight and narrow doing that.  In my six years of looking toward Catholicism, I have been saddened by just how many Catholic blogs can end up sounding so, well, Protestant.  Sort of 'it's their Catholic Church and everyone else is wrong."  And because the Church lets so much of its discipleship be done by lay people (not a bad thing), there is a tendency for those blogs to attract a particular brand of followers who enjoy being told their way is The Way, the Truth, and the Life, and nobody will get to Jesus through the Church but by them.  Yet I also know that as a Catholic, the way I see the world is defined by that title, and it should mean something.  My blog says 'Catholic Musings", and during this time of light blogging, I will revisit just how that will impact what I write - letting the Catholic influence, without going the way of 'Dave's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Blog.' 

So we'll see what happens.  Things may not change at all.  But for a while, it will be light, lighter than other light periods have been.  It has been a wild, eventful year.  And hopefully and prayerfully things will turn around and all of the events will finally yield blessings and happiness.  In the meantime, please keep coming by.  I'll toss things out when I can.  I still take emails and prayer requests.  Till then, enjoy this, one of my favorite Youtube videos of all time, in celebration of all the tests and testing I have had to pass so far (not as bad as a math test, but after 20 years after the last exams in school, they feel like advanced math tests!):

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