
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Clarifying my take on Catholic blogging

After I reread my post yesterday, you know the one that said I wouldn't be posting much, I thought I needed to clarify.  Readers of my blog who have followed it for the last several months, ever since I first started the thing, know there has been a little issue about just how Catholic my blog is.  I have repeatedly explained that I don't see myself as, nor do I want to be, a Catholic Blogger.  Yet my little title summary seems to suggest at least some Catholic behind my posts. 

Well, the actual obvious 'Catholic Identity' might not always be there.  I post a lot on politics, social and cultural trends, the media, and occasionally things like history or religion. Occasionally I'll reflect on something, or post on something that moves me or gets me to thinking. Once in a while my posts might reflect an overt Catholic perspective.  As often as not, a person could be forgiven for reading a rant on the latest attempts to squelch freedom by way of Gay Rights, or what this or that politician has done, and conclude nothing at all about my faith.

Now I've explained that, in a way, my faith often informs just what I think is important.  After all, it wasn't some innate culturally impressed notion that has caused me to reject human homosexual normality.  As an agnostic, I had no problem with the stuff.  Live and let live was my motto.  Though I think I would have been somewhat dismayed at the modern Gay Rights 'celebrate us or watch your butt' approach to its agendas, I wouldn't have cared one way or another about the lifestyle.  When I became a believer, however, I was forced to confront the fact that the overwhelming witness of Scripture, and the Christian Faith in general, has always been to reject that particular lifestyle.  So when I see the creeping 'there ain't room enough in this world for the two of us' approach of Gay Rights today, it's my faith that compels me to take notice from the POV that I write. 

But still, I can see where folks might see that as a cop out.  Just me trying to wade one toe in the pool, while allowing myself the freedom to wander around and post on anything under the sun whether it pertains to the Catholic Faith, my Catholic Faith, or anything Catholic at all.  In a way, they would be correct.  I said long ago that I just started this blog because some individuals I know persuaded me to start a blog so I could have a platform for putting down my thoughts and insights.  So I did.  And I didn't want to be confined to a single 'type' of blog.  If that has cut me out of this or that little blogging community, so be it.   It was just so I could toss out some ideas, and hear back from those who read my ideas.

But a few things have happened.  First, the comments section disappeared.  Something went screwy with the blog some weeks ago, the whole thing went down for a day or so.  The Comments boxes vanished, and I've not had the time or the desire to look into where they went and how to get them back.  Visitors may not return when they see no comments available.  But to be honest, that's OK.  Though I appreciate those few who did come by and post their thoughts, they were few.  And while there is always the quality, I noticed that once I stopped a few readers from coming in and just insulting people and saying stupid things (and yes, I know that sounds harsh, but some of the things were nothing else, even by the most gracious assessment), the number of comments dropped off exponentially.  It's as if the Bloggosphere is where people want to go in order to behave in ways we would never behave in any other setting.  And when I said I want good, reasoned debate that is polite and not just a drive by insult-fest, folks stopped coming by. 

Yes, I was still visited by some great people who continued to comment and give me insights and suggestions, and I'm very thankful for that.  But if I had to have folks coming in and acting like little brats in order to increase the number of comments and visits, I would rather have no comments at all. So for those who kept coming back with reasoned insights and thoughtful and polite comments, I do miss you.  But I will let it be for a while at least, enjoying not seeing random and anonymous folks swinging by, throwing out insults and the latest intellectually vacant talking points from various radical sides of any given debate.  Someday I might find a way to bring back the comments, but it will be a while.

Another thing has also impacted how I do this blog is the Catholic Bloggosphere.  Why don't I want to be a "Catholic Blog"?  Well, because of what I've seen happening in the Catholic Bloggosphere, that's why.  And when I have time, I'll drop back by and post on just what I mean, and the sadness I have over what I've been reading in so many Catholic blogs over the last year or so.  Right now, I have places to go and people to see.  I'll be back, and continue this little train of thought then.  Till then, TTFN.

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