
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tracy Morgan gets a dose of liberal tolerance

Turns out Tracy Morgan, from 30 Rock, has offended gays.  That does it.  You do that today, and you are toast.  Though Tina Fey has come out and assured us that despite not endorsing the pro-homosexual agitprop, Morgan is really an OK guy, and with groveling and penance he can be forgiven this most heinous of sins, many aren't buying it.  It's interesting because, of course, homosexuality has thrived in the world of post-Christian values, where F-Bombs, up-yours, and general disrespect and hateful humor has been the lifeblood of its cultural output.  Religion, families, parents, schools, education, hard work, America, Catholicism - you name it.  These things have been fair game for decades.  And those on the left have consistently blown beer out their noses whenever this sort of rant was aimed at a Republican, a minister, an old time traditionalist.       

But now, it's aimed at homosexuals. And?  They. Can't. Take. It.  Part of it, of course, is what I mused on earlier, that homosexuals want everyone forced to celebrate their lifestyle.  One chink in the armor is one child saying the emperor might be naked after all.  It also goes to show what I suspect, that there are three groups in our society regarding homosexuality.  There are those who oppose it.  There are those who support it.  And there are those who don't support it but are afraid for their reputations and careers and are forced to pay lip service to the Leftist gospel in order to continue to pursue their dreams.

I'm not saying I'm a big fan of Morgan's humor. I'm not.  I don't get into that style of humor at all, and think modern comedy is just a pile of brainless slop, wrapped in F-Bombs and crude bathroom humor in lieu of actual talent and insight.  As Groucho Marx once said, anyone can be funny by being dirty, but being funny and clean takes talent.  Plus, I don't like it when Catholics are made fun of thus.  I don't like it when conservatives or Republicans or Democrats or Jews or Christians or Jesus or teachers or ministers or anyone else are dealt with that way.  I also don't think what he said was appropriate about the subject at hand.

But that's me.  I don't like it when that type of hate disguised as comedy is aimed at anyone.  Apparently many celebrities and those on the Left only dislike it when it's aimed at their taboos and sacred absolute truths.  When it's aimed at those whose putrid, rotten, stinking guts they hate? They're the first to raise a beer and yell, "More!  That was F***'n brilliant!" 

Note: If you go to the link on Tina Fey, watch out. That's US Magazine, and you'll be hit with a dozen pop-ups even with a blocker active. 

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