
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sorry about the blogging

I know it's been light here, but I see some faithful readers have been stopping by for visits.  Still haven't had a chance to look into getting the comments back up.  I'm sure it will be something simple.  Just haven't had the time.  I've had many things I'm dying to talk about, not the least of which is some run ins I had a while ago with a fundamentalist pastor who sent me reams of letters begging me to save myself from the Harlot of Rome.  It was some time back, but I found some answers recently, and thought it would be good fun.  I'm also anxious to muse on Sarah Palin's strange defense of her Revere talk, and her critics' strange inability not to obsess with her.  And of course various religious, historical, political, and cultural topics that float my boat at any given time.

But things are still wild and stormy around here.  In the process of moving my Mom around, and now my sister.  Kids are finishing up with school with all the million programs and awards assemblies that entails.  Plus I am starting a new job, perhaps a career?  Selling insurance of all things.  We'll see how that goes.  As usual, I'm cautiously optimistic.  Since there were simply no, none, nil positions that opened up for me in Catholic Church life, I had to hie to the secular world.  Given that Catholics who are former protestant pastors were in such low demand in our current job market, I took what seemed the best combination of potential, flexibility of schedule, and least amount of up front financial commitment on my part (in this case, none).  I've passed all the tests so far, and hopefully will finish up with that part soon.  I'll know more in a few weeks how things will pan out. 

In the meantime, hang in there, keep coming back, tell your friends, and hopefully in a little while things will settle down.  I told my wife it seems that the last six months were upside down.  She said they were upside down if I think of everything that happened.  Still, as always I find solace in various things: my family, my wife, God, the Church, and my boys.  And with that shameless segue, I thought I would leave you with yet some more pictures of the fab four in their latest shenanigans:  The older three on their way to wrap up concerts for the year.  Our youngest, still not having tapped into his inner Mozart, finding more carefree pastimes to entertain himself.  Enjoy, and hope to be back soon (usually I say this followed by days of heavy blogging!).  TTFN.

Our fifteen year old, dressed to the hilt for a spring concert, happy that he will not be a freshman next year.

Our twelve year old, fresh from a glorious academic record, and being our only duel singer/musician so far

When our ten year old isn't wowing us with his acrobatics...

he's tapping into his inner artist and fashion guru at his concert.

Not to be distracted by the myriad activities, our youngest finds pure pleasure in discovering a sprinkler - the stuff summers are made for.

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