
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Liberals in American television?

You might want to sit down for this, but according to a new book, Primetime Propaganda, due out soon, it looks like liberals were not only producing the TV shows America has been watching for 40 years, but have been using these shows to advance their social and political agendas.  I know.  That's like finding out water is wet.  That MASH had liberal and anti-gun and anti-military agendas, that Alex Keaton on Family Ties was the bad guy because he liked Reagan, that Rosanne and Desperate Housewives promoted radical feminist and gay rights agendas, that any one of a thousand shows twisted stories, hired actors, and censored ideals in order to advance a leftist agenda should be news as old as the passing of the butter churn.  Still, it's interesting to hear them actually admit it.  When Chevy Chase admitted that - horrors! - Saturday Night Live was pretty much liberal and used its writing to dig at non liberals, everyone seemed as shocked as when Paul McCartney admitted he and John were mostly in it for the money (you know, imagine no possessions! he, he, he).

But by now, with DVDs of old TV shows and cable replaying old episodes, it's obvious that television fell into two categories.  One was the obvious preaching category of Family Ties, All in the Family, MASH, Maude, West Wing, and others that used the platform to stack the deck and advance obviously liberal, often secular agendas.  The others were shows like Cheers, Frasier, and Seinfeld that didn't advance agendas as much as simply assumed a liberal universe sans traditional values.  Either way, the shocking thing continues to be that with our education system, our new media, and now obviously our entertainment industry so firmly in bed with a single ideology, that there are still many Americans who reject it.  Goes to show just who the free thinkers might actually be.

By the way, kudos for the book and article for admitting what many also suspected, that ideological nepotism was par for the course, as in Dwight Schultz (of A-Team fame) being turned down for St. Elsewhere because of his support for Ronald Reagan.  Nice to see liberals who talked the talk about tolerance, diversity, and open mindedness were so afraid to actually walk the walk.  Makes you wonder just what other lofty beliefs they trumpeted but nonetheless had no intention of living.

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