
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

America's Duma strikes again

A federal court has ruled once and for all that schools cannot have prayers, invocations or benedictions in their graduations.  No matter what. This is America after all. That's good news for liberals and secularists.  Especially those, like Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (or more accurately, the Establishment Liberal Religion and State), who want to exploit the SCOTUS's questionable 1948 decision of religion's role in America to advance their own religious doctrines and agendas.  After all, many see the SCOTUS decision as a blank check to basically push all religious freedom out the door unless it is the religion that conforms to the Gospel of Post-Modern Secularism. 

It's also good that we continue showing our citizens that what 300 million Americans may want is irrelevant.  It's what you want that matters.  Sort of like showing our kids, rather than telling them, that it doesn't matter what the other kids want to play, it only matters what they want.  And if they can't get what they want, nobody can have anything anyone wants.  Is it any wonder that our country is going down the toilet tubes of history?

FWIW, I can actually see this decision and in another time and place might agree.  But since the agendas of those behind the decision have been made clear in recent years, that these decisions are being used to impose doctrines and dogmas held by one exclusive class by using the SCOTUS decision to censor and oppress those who fail to conform, I'm less than agreeable at this point.

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