
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just because Romney is right

About one thing, doesn't mean I'll vote for him.  I'm not saying I won't vote for him.  But little he has done so far leaves me confident that he can be the inspiring leader to get down to America's core and help it with key problems.  Certainly his half-handed, limp wristed stand behind various religious and social issues near and dear to my heart leaves me cautious.  Yes, Obama has failed.  Anyone but die hard Democrats and mainstream journalists can see the writing on the wall.  Obama has not clue one what to do, seldom does anything, and when something is accomplished, it's usually because he pawned it off on Congress.  And giving Congress something to do because you can't has to be about as low as you can go.  Congress?  Come on.

He is indecisive.  It's almost a joke when he goes around the world to throngs of adoring fans only to be told no by every government he visits.  If he has a foreign policy, I can't recognize it.  The only major thing he has accomplished has been his health care legislation, which most Americans don't want and most agree will help little and hurt much.  He has continued to make strides for the Gay Rights movement.  But otherwise, I'm at a loss. The economy continues its ponderous lumbering in some direction, unemployment stagnant, inflation starting to become so obvious even the Fed might recognize it in the future, and gas prices are pretty much giving the middle finger to any attempt to keep them in check.

Most of all, Obama has turned out to be a shockingly bland president.  He doesn't inspire.  He doesn't enthrall.  He looks as if he is just hoping the next few years go by without anything major happening.  Even when he came out following the death of Bin Laden, many argued he put too much on the table, sending mixed messages and making more chaos where it shouldn't have been.  In short, he is a poor leader.  And in a position like the presidency, one must be a great leader to be great.  Sure, the MSM will do everything to spin the news and rewrite current events to keep him in office.  But the harsh realities of our country, unless they make a major turn around, will speak louder than any news anchor.

But in it all, he will be reelected if the GOP doesn't put someone in who is any better.  And Romney, for all his business acumen, lacks much credibility in the eyes of many.  Huckabee didn't stand a chance in our post-modern, anti-religious age.  Palin and Bachmann are basically giving the White House back to Obama.  Ron Paul has some ideas that are worth something, but his radical libertarianism and isolationist philosophies, added to a psychotic gleam in his eye during some interviews, doesn't make him the one I want near the button.  It won't, and shouldn't be, Gingrich.  If the GOP fields someone like that against family man Obama, expect well deserved charges of 'Hyopcirts!' to fly against the Republican party.  So I dunno.  I just know that for 16 years, presidents who had no business being reelected were reelected because the other side dropped the ball.  We'll have to see if we can make it an even 24 years.

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