
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Catholic Online asks a useless question

Does President Obama feel that he is above the law?  Now, I'm not saying in most cases such a question is useless.  Personally, I think questions like this are always useful.  I think one of the great traditions of our civilization, going back to Magna Carta and beyond, is that the lawmaker is accountable to the laws he makes.  I know, I know.  Magna Carta probably gets a little too much credit there, but this is a blog post.  I can over simplify if I want.  For a more detailed explanation of what Magna Carta was and wasn't, and what it did and didn't do, consult any Medieval history text from before around the mid 1980s. 

Anyway, back to my point.  I'm sure it is a worthwhile question.  It is something we should - should - care about.  I just fear we don't.  In our age of no principles, just pundits, I fear all we care about is winning. Getting what we want.  So many today could care less if Obama overstepped his authority, or if George W. Bush did, or Clinton, or anyone.  As long as Our Side Wins, that is what matters most.  Of course if the other side is in power, suddenly it is of utmost concern.  But that's not how you do principles.  Principles apply to anyone, King and Peasant alike. 

Punditry, unfortunately, applies principles whenever convenient.  It is wrong if it makes the other side look bad.  It is right if it makes my side look good.  And I fear we've come to that point today, where far too many in our Wiki-world don't care a wit over what Obama does, as long as, in the end, my side wins.  Hence Catholic Online's worthwhile, but ultimately futile, question.

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