
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Poll suggests Americans might be smarter than media

Or at least less politically motivated.  Still, polls are polls after all.  We have 310 million people in our country, and this poll talks to 673 of them.  Still, if polls (and common sense and general water cooler discussions are to be believed), it appears the majority of Americans, and a growing number of journalists, are beginning to back away from the 'Right Wing rhetoric kills!' meme that was promoted on the back of this tragedy.  It's one of those cases where we should be thankful for both a diverse option in terms of media, as well as the Internet.  For it didn't take long for folks to say, "Wait a minute, but didn't they say....?'  Coupled with some old timers like me remembering some pretty harsh words about such notables as Reagan, Bush, Sr., and Dan Quayle. 

This, in addition to the stark raving lunacy that appeared to come out of the killer's mind, any links that made it clear all was part of a vast, right wing conspiracy began to come apart.  Except for some holdouts on places like MSNBC and Huffpost, most quietly have begun to move on.  Some have even stopped to think we might need to focus more on the victims and their families!  Kudos for common sense.  Kudos for common decency.  And for those who tried to make political hay while the blood flowed?  Well, not much else needs said.

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