
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Of course, then there's Joe Scarborough

Missing the change in the wind's direction, Joe Scarborough, MSNBC's important conservative spokesman, reminds everybody that everything from Arizona back to Oklahoma City is more or less the conservatives' fault.  Naturally he doesn't come out and say it, nor does he miss the fact that there was a rush to judgement on Saturday.  But note his lack of holding anyone other than those on 'the Right' accountable. He does end with a sort of 'everybody needs toned down', but note the lack of examples of 'everybody' not associated with conservatism.

Of course that's what he does.  As a dutiful Republican spokesman, he repeatedly reminds us that it's the Republicans' fault, that conservatives are to blame, that extremists are pretty much on the Right causing problems, and our country would be better off if the Republicans dropped all those moral things and more or less helped President Obama and various Democrat initiatives.  Of course it's a joke.  And there's plenty of betting money out there that if Mr. Scarborough runs at all, it won't be as a Republican.  For me, who has ever only had a mild affection for the GOP anyway, I wouldn't be surprised.  To me be what you are.  And Mr. Scarborough might have a bright future as an independent or a Democrat.  But a Republican?  No, I still want one party, no matter how flawed and wrong about so many things, that stands against the wave of secular progressive values attempting to seize our country.  And people like Mr. Scarborough, if they have their way, will give us a two party system with a choice of one.  And that will not do.

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