That doesn't mean that the climate isn't changing. Far be it from me to deny what the climate has always done. Nor does it mean all the pollution and artificially manufactured gunk we've tossed into the environment over the last couple centuries, just because we could, has been a good thing. It doesn't even mean we shouldn't do anything to help improve our impact on the environment, and even the climate - what little bit there may be. What it does mean is that the dogma of Al Gore MMGW - that evil human capitalists have brought us to the brink of destruction and only by surrendering our freedoms and voting for socialist leaning liberal Democrats can we be saved - is starting to be suspect. It certainly is making people question the whole 'there's just too many people in the world - it's time to do something about it' argument, even if the media doesn't want to discuss where such things can lead.
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