
Thursday, February 13, 2025

I will give JD Vance credit

He is willing to call out the BS and mendacity that has come to define our post-Christian, postmodern era:

That we have taken an entire generation and told them that every word uttered should affirm them as the gods of their realities, or they should unleash endless hatred or commit suicide - either being an understandable reaction - shows just how low we've sunk.  The only thing worse is how so many of our institutions that should know better (ahem, hello Christian Church), have pretty much gone along with it.  And have done so no matter how disastrous the results. 

We'll see how it goes.  Vance better be good enough to die for the sins of humanity, because even the slightest discovered transgression will be hyped more than Pearl Harbor was.  And more than that, almost everyone left of center, and the bulk of those who have settled into our post-Christian status quo, will jump on him like rabid inquisitors.  


  1. The left continues to use the same tactics they've used for years against conservatives and successfully too! Put conservatives on the defensive by manipulating words and casting blame on individuals who the left even SENSES might curl up in a fetal position in the corner sucking their thumbs. Then came Trump and they met their match. He wouldn't fall into line with the left's accusitory clap trap and they are stunned in horror and don't know what to do. Then Desantis began doing the same thing and not taking the left's BS. Now more and more conservatives are following Trumps lead with great success. Trump, Vance, Leavitt, Musk, Homan, Patel, Hegseth...shall I continue? None of them are falling for the left's crap anymore and remaining silent. The left has been called out and it's like the daylight to Dracula. I love it.

  2. (Tom New Poster)
    Bob: my worry is that these may not be just tactics but (for many on the leftist "street") an attitude based on genuinely-held beliefs. Tactics are means to ends, and will gradually adjusted to reality once the tacticians perceive they don't work. Attitudes will not.

  3. Tom, even if these are not just tactics but genuinely-held beliefs then it will be worse for the left. The left is already facing the objective truth and not their own truth, that people do not want what they are selling, they no longer believe anything they say, people are questioning the left's motivations for anything it does and they don't like it and don't know what to do. For far too long they've controlled the narrative but no longer. The nemesis has been elected, electorally AND by popular vote. Oops, can't protest against the electoral college anymore. The left has lived in la la land for a long time, fight objective truth at all turns and now, the truth has shown it's face. Imagine living and believing in la la land all this time only to see it dismantled piece by piece. We laugh at TDS but it's real, in one form or another. The left is sick. Truly. And with objective truth hitting them "upside da haid" they can't handle it anymore. I'm not afraid of the left, but we need to keep a keen eye on what they do for mad men have no logic, reason and order, which makes them very dangerous. Right now? Reasonable people have spoken and have awakened. We now have to make it next to impossible to keep this insanity does not happen again. If it does? We deserve it.

  4. The man sold out every principle he ever espoused in Hillbilly Elegy and prostrated himself before a politician he once denounced as a little Hitler the minute it became inconvenient to do otherwise. There's BS and mendacity for you.

    It profits a man little if he should gain the whole world in exchange for his soul; but for No. One Observatory Circle, I suppose that's justifiable.

    1. What principles would those be?
      While we're at it, he uttered the following in a private text message nine years ago: "I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical a**hole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?" There's been a certain amount of water under the bridge since then.

    2. Oddly, it was from leftwing outlets I first heard of HE, the gist being that Vance was a poor white guy who validated the leftwing narrative that when all minorities are poor, it's because of white bigotry and oppression, but when whites are poor they do it to themselves. Fair or not, that was how many presented it, and I don't recall Vance correcting that, which is one reason why many in Ohio were slow to support him, including Republicans. But as I say, he did well as a Senator. And let's not forget, the one thing in the world that makes Trump suddenly seem moral and reasonable has been his opponents. What we have witnessed over the last eight years has saw a split from those conservatives and traditional Christians who have thrown up their hands and joined the court of the Left, and those who didn't like Trump in the last years have realized as bad as he ever was (and some say he's gotten better over the years), the opposition has gone from worse to worse than that. That some of Vance's change was political expedience, I have no doubt. But that hardly sets Vance apart in Washington. Consider the easy way Trump was called a fascist one day, and then he sits and laughs with the same ones who stood by and supported those who called him that the next. That's politics for you.

    3. The leftwing narrative that when all minorities are poor
      All minorities are not poor, or even most of them
      from those conservatives and traditional Christians who have thrown up their hands and joined the court of the Left,
      Characters like Mona Charen and David French are not manifestations of any popular tendency. They presented themselves as having particular interests and goals; we now know that was a lie.

    4. I should have clarified better that I meant all who are poor are poor because. Not that all minorities are poor, which obviously isn't true if one has heard of Oprah Winfrey.

      As for French and company, I also think of Russ Moore, or for that matter Beth Moore. Or for that matter no small number of Catholics I can think of. And that's those who have jumped to some degree or another onto the leftwing bandwagon. Then we have those who might still tack conservative, but accept various leftwing narratives and agendas.

  5. (Tom New Poster)
    A historian of the 19th c Left Bank in Paris noted that there were "true bohemians" (the raggedy rabble who fought with themselves and the world over their "art"), "temporary bohemians" (mostly U of Paris students who liked the wild atmosphere while young, then left it for the bourgeois world at graduation), and the "false bohemians" (liberals who liked to visit and vote leftwing, but had no intention of putting their real middle-class money or liberties at risk). The first group produced little real art and survived by the sympathy and support of the other groups, until WWI pulled them away to the front and their money to French war taxes. Then the old bohemia collapsed.
    We could divide our leftists the same way. Group 3 (like Zuckerberg) see what a "green" economy and reparations will cost them (as they're costing Europe). Group 2 will grow up (and is already growing away from college degrees that mean less at years pass). That leaves the real nutters, whose power won't survive the loss of cash under Trump PROVIDED we can starve them long enough and hard enough. That will do it.

  6. I'm a little less cynical about this actually. Vance is calling out cancel culture right to its face and people are ready to hear it. The tide at the top is turning, but will take awhile to trickle down to the bottom feeders of petty cultural gatekeeping: school boards and librarians.


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