
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Henry Spencer seems grounded by comparison


Because no person in history apart from Nazis ever put their arm out like that. 

It reminds me of 2017 when ESPN pulled announcer Bob Lee from the calling U. of Virginia football for fear someone might be triggered.  Though he was of Korean ancestry, and Lee is by no means an uncommon Korean surname, the stellar leadership at ESPN was afraid that if you said his proper name Robert instead of Bob, and added an 'E' between his first and last names, then you'd have, well, you know.  And violence, death, suicide, emotional and psychological trauma might just happen next. 

Really.  It's almost impossible to imagine just how low and worthlessly ridiculous is the modern class of malcontents calling themselves our superiors and leading our world's institutions and organizations of power and influence. The are every Hollywood stereotype of a useless ruler ever. 

Our modern leaders in one photo (From The Great Race)

Worse, they encourage those who are on the Left to actually excuse such idiocy, as unfathomably moronic as it seems.  It's as if the entire 21st Century Left was carved out of a David Lynch fever dream. But what is to call them out?  They hold the crown, the scepter and the orb.  And more than half that see the problems for what they are nonetheless lack the character, courage or convictions to call them out for what they are. 

Remember, when you see the divisions, the hate, the idiocy, the conflicts, the violence, they destruction, the perpetual outrage, it's important to remember these things are desired and pushed for.  When you begin to endorse, excuse and promote this level of bat crazy psycho madness, it becomes easier and easier to someday insist there just aren't any strange camps in the German woods and leave it at that. 

Ed Feser notices the derangement and tries to joke about it, but humor falls flat when no matter how absurd you are, the reality is even worse: 


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    Dave, you know, I know and they know Musk's gesture was no Sieg Heil. Musk supports Trump and that's an end on't, as the good Dr. Johnson would say.
    I don't know what's more repulsive: that men which such influence are so full of malice or so incredibly adolescent in their emotional reasoning. I recall Stoker's description of Dracula: a mind "child-like" in its appetites, diabolic in its cunning.

    1. Or, as one of my sons said, he could be baiting the critics who have called him Hitler since he announced he was going to buy Twitter anyway. So why not? But I think it's just the unraveling of the Left. Rather than pull back, reassess, decide they can no longer just call people Nazis, they're hunkering down - as is the MSM as a whole. It's almost a joke at this point that every day has a hundred headlines invoking the 'dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria' vibe. The problem, again, is that those who refuse to do anything other than follow the 'experts' and eschew unreliable alternative outlets (ahem Deacon Greydanus), are isolated from hearing the obvious.

  2. The ProgLeft are utterly despicable.

    1. That's why it's tough to figure why more traditional liberals won't admit to the problem. All I can figure is that they have labored under the delusion that history really is the good guys on the left v. the bad guys on the right, and admitting that isn't the case would cause them to then look at the details of what they have been advocating. I don't know.

  3. How long have the left been pushing this Trump is Hitler crap, and despite the onslaught against Trump 2015 when he started running for president and for the next ten years we've heard this mind vomit coming from the Left and STILL...STILL he not only won, but all but wiped out the democrats, the left, the woke and the media in one fell swoop. So what do these bozos do? Repeat the same game plan. After ten years of crap do they really think we will change our minds after we gave Trump the electoral vote and the popular vote with their incessant lying and gas lighting? I'm really starting to believe that there really is a medical, psychiatric malady called TDS. I don't really know what else it could be. Personally, I don't think all those Covid mrna gene therepy injections and their follow up boosters helped lol. It sounds like when I was a kid and my little brother would tattle on me for anything, "Mom, Bobby is doing that again and calling me names!!!" Do we really have 4 more years of this immaturity?

    1. My sons and I talk about this sort of thing a lot, especially my oldest - whose vocation tacks in this direction. He said like 2016, this sort of thing might have its impact when it comes to preaching to the choir and inspiring the faithful. That is, those on the Left forever convinced that the dictionary definition of Hitler is anyone right of center. But it falls flat for the average person in the real world if things aren't going well. He believes if the economy was doing great, the international scene in some sense of order, crime rates down and standard of living thriving, Trump would have lost. Whether or not because of the rhetoric, but it would certainly be a good excuse not to rock the boat and change administrations. But when wars are blowing up everywhere, America is becoming a joke, crime is rampant, and millions are falling behind, the Left can scream Hitler until the cows come home and there is no way people will believe their only option to the status quo has to be rejected because of stupid partisan bilge. I think he has a point.

    2. (Tom New Poster)
      You'd think those who scream about Hitler would show some sensitivity to Jews. That they don't, witnesses to either derangement or dishonesty. Take your pick.

    3. As has been pointed out more than once, the ones screaming fascists and Nazis everywhere and in your hair are the same who, a year ago, were either 1) holding up "I Heart Hamas" signs and marching with people blowing hummus out of their noses laughing about the worst single day slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, or 2) making excuses for them and trying to frame it as a 'right to protest and free speech' issue. I think that's one reason for November. People are starting to think those on the Left who say they care might not actually care.


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