
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

At least he is honest

Fareed Zakaria, that oracle of obtuseness, who once declared in 2016 that the world never looked better and we owe it all to the Obama administration even as we were told ISIS was the new normal, comes out of the closet and speaks the words.  He says it's time for Democrats to ditch those working class voters, especially the white ones, who the Dems lost ages ago. Increasingly it's hipster educated professional (read: wealthy) women, minorities and yes, even whites who have flocked to the Dems in recent years:  

"They have a solid base of college-educated professionals, women and minorities. Many of the swing voters who have helped them win the popular vote in seven of the past nine presidential elections are registered independents and suburbanites"

And so: 

"Biden failed to win the working class. Democrats might want to stop trying"

Just stop bothering with those working class types and catch the wave.  Do working class Americans have concerns?  Could they be hurting?  Are they perhaps suffering and need attention?  Aren't they part of that working poor scraping by that the Left has forever cared about? Perhaps.  But  the bigger question is can the Democrats win by giving two flying damns or a hell about them and their problems?  Mr. Zakaria apparently thinks 'no' is the answer to that question.

Yep. Nothing like coming out and saying exactly who it is Democrats shouldn't care about for political expediency.  It's almost like he's suggesting the Democrats never really cared about the working class in the first place, pandering to them only because it was convenient.  

You know, whenever something happens or someone says something, even someone in a religious or non-political setting, journalists often frame it as being the result of politically driven agendas and expediency. As if people can't actually have pure motives because everything must be an ulterior, usually political, motive. It makes me think of the thief who assumes everyone else must be a dishonest crook.  


  1. "You know, whenever something happens or someone says something, even someone in a religious or non-political setting, journalists often frame it as being the result of politically driven agendas and expediency. "

    It's called projection and the Left has been guilty of this for decades of my life. I have rarely seen it on the Right. Lately, the projection is so blatant that I've laughed and shaken my head when I see it. It makes me wonder how they don't.

    1. That's true, and it stuns me the more I look back and realize that is one of the driving tactics used by progressives for decades. Consider the issue of gay everything. Gay in the morning, gay in the evening, gay at suppertime. Have you considered gay, think gay, celebrate gay, be about gay, it's all about gay, support and endorse gay or lose your job. To which you respond by saying your faith doesn't allow for that type of a lifestyle, and you're met with charges that you're obsessing about sex and trying to impose your values on them. Yep, in more ways than one the Left has made strides by sanctioning hypocrisy, mendacity and projection as core values.

  2. Lol yeah...the sex thing. I almost forgot. Catholics are obsessed about sex, yet the left pushes sex as a qualification for jobs, meaning more women in men's jobs, the alphabet crowd and all their different perversions of sex, left's recent attempts to normalize pedophilia, trying to lower the age of consent, everything gay, sex mutilations, drag queens etc...yeah Catholics are sooooo obsessed with sex. I'm not sure where I read this but I read somewhere the reason the left wants children to make their own choice about the transgenderism is that when the time comes and the left really pushes kids choice about having sex with who ever they want, including adults, they will be able to say that if they know enough to choose to transgendered and all that it encompasses, then they are old enough savvy enough to choose to have sex with adults.

    1. It wouldn't surprise me. I was shown a copy of some Twitter like post from M. Shea. In it he actually says people need to stop obsessing about Trump and look to the real threats coming our way. Now, there is some debate about whether he meant it, or was mocking the concern that defenders of Christian virtue have for the growing 'sex with kids, maybe we've had it wrong' movement. The NYT piece Shea posted was an article saying we need to see pedophilia as an illness, not a crime. Again, there was debate about whether Shea really meant this was a serious path toward evil or he was mocking those who said so themselves. Which shows to what depths he has sunk to that some could ask the question at all. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant it, that as bad as he insists Trump is, there are things happening far worse. And in recent years, they all seem to be pointing to sex with kids. Sadly your David French types have already compromised with the 'we don't personally like your drag queen shows for kids, but our country has always been about freedom to do so' line of arguing that, of course, was always a defining characteristic of French's self proclaimed conservative Christian views.


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