
Friday, December 6, 2024

Wo ist das blogging?

As is obvious, I'm just not blogging the way I used to.  Long and short, it's been a pivot year.  A tough one, but also a blessed one. Mixing lots of running ahead of the boulder with events and developments that have been pure joy.  But all of it means time just isn't what it has been in the past.  Sure, Social Media has changed, blogs aren't what they were, things have gone a million miles in different directions since I first stopped by St. Blogs almost two decades ago.  

And again, blogs have changed, and for some reason, Catholics left of center have made blocking and banning people who disagree with their politics their new favorite pastime.  Which means actual discourse over disagreements, especially over the troubling developments left of center, is left for people who agree that they are troubling.  Which does change the nature of blogs from what they were, if you think on it. 

But through it all, it's just tough to say 'I have a thought - quick, to the Bat Blog!'  I've even thought of doing what I suggested in the past, and making it more about reflections, faith things, fun things, hobby things, like blogs in the old days often did.  Leaving all but the occasional hefty topic for others to dissect.  But again, time.  That commodity more precious than gold and rarer than diamonds.  

I'll still put together things when I can.  Who knows, maybe I will post more frivolous things, the days of weighty commentary seeming to fade at this point.  To be honest, my thoughts tend to lean that way, preferring old days of blogs when various hobbies and interests or whimsical musings were as common to see as any take down of the latest political developments or church scandals.  We'll see.  But if it seems things have slowed down, they have. And I doubt they'll pick up again the way it used to be.  


  1. Blogs will make a comeback, simply because we can't be blocked, and it allows others who would normally not be heard, get a say. Stay in the battle!

    1. Time, as I said, has become the bugger. I don't plan on stopping, but there just isn't the time now. I'll probably do something like 'one hefty topic a week', and then frivolity otherwise.

  2. I also believe that blogs will make a comeback. The good ones float to the top and people will comment. If it's negative commentary in many cases? Good! That means you are hitting a nerve. You never know Dave, one of your blogs may hit someone just right...and they find God. Hang in there guy. I know you have a busy home life and time is limited to blogging. That's fine. Just Blog when you can and don't give up. You have a voice to be heard.

  3. You know what I like about your blog? You don't project hate. I've had enough of that from other blogs.

    1. Thanks for that. I've never wanted to go where other blogs went. Though snarkiness can sometimes slip in. I don't think I'll quite or give up, but this year has changed things and time just isn't as free as it was. As I said to Tito, most likely keep it at one topical post a week, then if anything else something more personal or even fun.


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