
Sunday, June 9, 2024

A prayer request

It seems my mom had another stroke.   They say it's a minor one.  On Friday she was walking along and suddenly gave out.  My third oldest was around to help the new parents move into a larger apartment.  As she fell, he caught her and prevented any major injuries.  At first the tests didn't indicate a stroke, leaving the doctors puzzled.  But after a failed attempt, they ordered a second MRI and that appears to have caught it.  Not sure where things are or where they are going at this stage.   Because of my dad's experience in a nursing home - essentially dying - we are loathe to put mom in a similar setting.  Nonetheless, if it becomes a case of compromised safety or wellbeing for her being here, then we'll have to have a big discussion.  We are hoping we can continue to be caretakers for her sake.  We believe her being around the gang - and even the dog - has done her more good than being by herself.  Right now it's waiting to see what the professional think, which will likely be tomorrow.  So we'll see.  I'd appreciate any prayers offered for her sake and our ability to care for her.  Thanks!


  1. "Minor" stroke always seems like a contradiction (though I get where it comes from). Praying for your family and that you do not have to deal with any hard choices. She at least got to see her great-grandbaby by now didn't she? I'm sure part of her wants to run to Heaven to tell your dad all about it.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I can certainly see that, knowing her. Right now we're just waiting. I'm heading in to meet with the doctors in a few. And yes, she got to see her great-granddaughter already. We've used pictures of her to keep her upbeat and happy.

  2. Prayers begin for your family and your mom’s medical team.
    Agree that being in the heart of family will promote her physical recovery and emotional health.
    In-home OT and PT sessions are often an option

    1. Thank you! Right now it's in-home, because she has bounced back somewhat, and the med staff felt we have a pretty good set up for her at home.

  3. Prayers begin for your mom’s recovery; and for graces, strength and peace in your family. St Teresa of Avila, please intercede!

    PS: Another plus to your mom recovering at home with you is greater attention to her dietary needs (e.g. low salt diets aren’t always offered in nursing homes). In-home OT/PT visits may also be an option.

    1. Thanks! She didn't go to a rehab center. She's here with a battery of in-home visits over the next few weeks. But we do like to oversea what happens because, to be honest, we know better what she needs and how to handle her.


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