
Thursday, May 23, 2024


So it looks like our little granddaughter is making splendid progress.  Almost all the breathing apparatuses have been removed.  She still has the tiniest tube to help out.  But she has improved rather quickly, and if it keeps on this pace she might be coming home in the not too distant.  As I said, she is feisty and apparently rather alert.  That delights me beyond description.  Prayers are still appreciated.  We're tickled pink and more than thankful to God for the myriad blessings that come just in seeing her.  


  1. So awesome to hear! May your precious new arrival be home and brightening the lives of all around her sooner than later. Has your mom got to hold her yet?

    1. Thanks! None of us have held her yet, only the parents. It will likely be when she is home that we can do that. She's getting close to the place she needs to be to come home. A couple more hurdles to leap. Then we'll have to keep things sedated because keeping her at rest has helped her make the progress she has.

    2. It's hard to keep things sedated when everyone is so excited and joyful to see her isn't it? ;)

      Until then, may this sweet family moment tied you over until then.

  2. Congratulations on the granddaughter and her progress! Prayers for a quick and healthy departure from the hospital.

  3. sweet! Grow, baby, grow! NICUs are blessings for the time babies need them!

    1. You're the other grandparents IIRC aren't you? Congrats to you all as well (if I'm right).

    2. Didn't realize you were joining the grand club. If so, congrats yourself!


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