
Monday, March 11, 2024

The State and God are not the same

 Because obviously God would have some improving to do to equal the State:

The ease with which Christians have shoved God into the Sunday closet and deferred to the efficacy of the State as our only salvation shows the speed with which God can so easily be mocked. 

For the godless Left, of course, the State is substitute God.  And activists are its prophets.  For the believer and the sane and rational individual who made it through kindergarten, we know better. 

Now I have no idea what issue is being referenced here. Mocking thoughts and prayers began with selectively chosen shootings and the idea that guns and guns alone are the only thing worth focusing on.  Since then it has spread to a host of issues where the only acceptable response is to take your loser thoughts and your loser prayers to your loser God and keep them for an hour on Sunday mornings where they belong.  

Again, it is the progressive activist and the dogma of progress that will save the day.  God, prayers, and anything spiritual has bupkis to do with the real problems of the real world.  Let's bet on how many good and faithful Christians approve this message. 

I should say that it goes without saying I believe Christians should be involved in things, including politics.  But since mocking thoughts and prayers unless tied to distinctly leftwing activism has become all the rage among the Left, I'm wagering the shirt is supposed to imply more than a simple statement of intent. 


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    The political messaging could be on the back. I've seen double-sided shirts something like this and would take an even bet it's related to gun control.

    1. That could be. But it reflects that completely anti-Christian/Religious attitude that is strangely being embraced by Christians. Which is, in fairness, speaking out loud what we and our leaders have been acting like for generations - that God is a great way to kill an hour on a Sunday, but in the real world it's the latest hippest world solution that will save the day.

  2. The left-wing citizens with whom we share zip codes--if little else--are intensely religious. Currently, they are "secular" (sleepy Saturdays and Sundays), but the next generation will see it blossom into State-approved forms of spirituality. Satanism will bloom into the theistic variety, I'm afraid.

    1. Given the stories I see about trying to normalize Satanic groups as just one of many 'religious' views, I don't think that last part is as far away as we wish.

  3. The 'State'! A 'god'?

    I treasure my copy of 'Our Enemy, the State', written in 1935 by Albert Jay Nock.

    The 'State' will never be anything but my enemy.

    1. I don't think all states are necessarily the enemy, but they aren't the source of salvation and revelation either. The problem here isn't that secularists and other non-believers dump on thoughts and prayers. I can understand that. But the speed with which actual Catholics have embraced this view is stunning.

    2. A lot of Catholics now seem to see the state implicitly as a cooperator of good works. Charities may do the actual work, but the state funds it. The bishops don't need the money of the faithful when they have their hands in the government's money bags. The Great Society passed its 50 year mark recently, and that legislation was as bad as the income tax in 1913. We don't actually have to have Christian charity anymore, charity can be funded by the government and we can feel good about ourselves. Even though this "charity" is generally a parody of "Christian". Locally we have this issue with a low barrier homeless shelter. It's an awful situation but it's far away from the "nice" people and all the highly educated, wealthier Catholics LOVE it. Because they feel good about themselves that it's there, and it keeps the unclean on the poor side of town. Also, I think they have a warped idea of the human person. That if you just give people the opportunity they would want to change! Nevermind that indigents have come in from other areas, including s*x offenders, precisely because they can have a place to live where no one bothers them about their drug use. Now they want to open a brand new center funded by state grant money, but run it the same way: "Housing First." A Catholic organization is pushing for the vicinity of a school and a neighborhood! It's unconscionable, really.

    3. Oh, I've seen leftwing Catholics all but mock Christian charity, and act as if we just let the government take over, all will be saved and redeemed. But again, like liberal Protestant denominations, I wonder how many even believe it anymore.


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