
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Shameless shout out time!

In the 'little store that could' department, my son and daughter-in-law were asked to speak at the local public middle school about business, entrepreneurship, and bookselling.   Hard to believe they're heading into their second anniversary as business owners.

This isn't to say we're any less proud of our other boys.  Oh, they're no angels.  And heaven forbid the topic of politics comes up where two or more of them are gathered.  But as hopes of parents goes, we couldn't do much better.  


  1. How cute is your pregnant DIL???
    Also, I’m super happy to see the school inviting them in. Entrepreneurs are becoming more disparaged in school settings these days.

    1. Yes, as first daughter-in-laws go, we couldn't ask for much better.

      And yes, that is why we homeschool. Sometimes we fear, with our topsy-turvy life, that our boys aren't getting the education they could in public school. Then I see what is coming out of the modern public schools, and realize we could forbid them from learning anything, and they would still get a better education than is coming out of the modern public schools.

  2. A hearty congrats to them! It isn't easy to make it as such in this world. It brings glad tidings to my cynical heart to see some plucky kids defy the odds.

    1. I think early on many in the area were rather inspired by them stepping out like that, and it helped. That was back in the doldrums of 2022, and for a couple youngsters to take a leap like that couldn't help but inspire folks.


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