
Thursday, November 30, 2023

That sound you hear is our freedoms leaving the room

So I was working here on some bills and banking, with the local news on in the background.  Suddenly I heard a story - a long story - that some trustee in a local township is being called upon to be fired.  That's because he said a 'racial slur' when talking about Juneteenth.  

What caught me, other than the reporters camped out near the town hall like they were waiting for the white smoke, was an interview with a local representative of the NAACP.  She went completely terminator on the fellow, at one point saying his neighborhood should be made aware of this and should not tolerate him living anywhere near them. 

What?  Over a racial slur?  Over a word?  A single word?  And you say the communal equivalent of tar, feather and exile?  What happened to that lazy, crazy,  hazy liberalism I grew up with that said you can't ever judge? Rehabilitate and forgive, that's the ticket.  When exactly did that liberalism die?  But of course, it's more serious than a woman donning her Salem apparel when it comes to the wrong people saying the wrong things.  That is, he wasn't a black trustee nor was he Quentin Tarantino.  In those cases it would be fine.  

A friend of mine who is a Presbyterian minster, and no slouch as a historian, once told me that when you live in a free country like ours, tyranny is like a vampire.  You have to invite it in.  Which is what we're seeing with our catastrophic levels of divisions and group identity.  Hence the NAACP woman who apparently feels a single misstep is enough to be forever exiled into the outer darkness and loathed by entire communities.  

I wonder if she would like that standard applied to her. If she gets her wish with this fellow, I have no doubt she'll have her chance down the road.  Our Founding Fathers were smart enough to grasp that little fact of history that so many today are strangely forgetting. 


  1. Liberals were never tolerant. They appealed to people's sense of fairness in order to achieve power. It was never more than an act. Once they got their hands on power, they immediately started putting the boot in our faces. They are all totalitarians at heart.

    1. In hindsight, it's obvious. Don't judge we were told, by a movement that did nothing but judge, criticize and condemn. Tolerate all free expression - except things that offend liberals. It's been that from the beginning. That should have been our warning flag.

  2. I am a history teacher who couldn’t agree with you more! And liberals never embrace tolerance. If your opinion differs from theirs, they SHUT YOU DOWN!

    1. No, they never did embrace tolerance, or diversity or inclusion. Any more than the pigs really wanted all animals to be equal.

  3. The news stories never tell you what he actually said. I did find one which reported his remark as, "I didn't realize it was a frickin' federal holiday'. He erred in apologizing and the rest of the trustees are poseurs who should be spat on.


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