
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

People like Dawn Eden and The Atlantic's Graeme Wood continue to miss the point


Here is the article she references.

The problem isn't that Palestinians, pro-Palestinian protesters, leftists, and various anti-white, anti-Western activists are saying there is a moral equivalency between Israel's IDF and  Hamas.  The problem is they're saying there is no moral equivalency because Israel and IDL are the only bad guys.  By virtue of the Left's slick 'Sanctified Oppressed Class v. Unforgivable Oppressor Class' template, Israel is the oppressor.  Therefore, Hamas is merely a bunch of rough around the edges freedom fighters for the blessed oppressed.  Because for the Left, as part of its anti-Western strategy, to be the Oppressor means you deserve nothing that you have and everything you'll get.  And anything connected to the Western Tradition is always the Oppressor.  

It's not hard to see in Mr. Wood's archives that he drinks deeply from the 'Bad West and its fascist defenders' well that makes such idiotic narratives possible.  Same with Ms. Eden.  Her alliance with those dividing the world between the heroic oppressed and the fascist loving cheerleaders of the Oppressors has become more obvious with each passing month.

But now Israel and all those Israeli Jews are the establishment Oppressors.  They are the baddies. Jews in America might still be worth something when it comes to trotting out endless reminders of antisemitism in Europe and America or the Christian Church.  But in Israel?  Not so much.  And as the Left throws out old Western ideals of freedom of speech, religious liberty, forgiveness, reconciliation and tolerance, we see what happens next.  The oppressor has got to go one way or another, along with anyone defending the Oppressor in any way - and that includes Jews.  

So I ask them - what the hell did they expect?  We've had about three generations of this little dichotomy being pounded into the heads of our youth.  That is, the world divided into the Oppressed versus the Oppressors.  By the time my kids were in school, that was the canvas upon which their world was painted.  There was still some lag over from the past.  For instance, they still learned that we need to become a color blind society, to put race behind us, and never, ever judge based on skin color no matter what.  But much of the 'Unforgivable Oppressing West, Otherwise Beautiful Oppressed' narrative was in full swing.  Along with celebrating the growing hatred, merciless condemnation, calls for the erasing and extermination of reprobate sinners and deplorables and anyone else forever damned for the label Oppressor. 

In addition, since Covid and the 2020 BLM riots, we've seen yet another old liberal mantra die and die fast.  That is, the much tired out and endlessly repeated claim that 'violence is never the answer.'  Well, since 2020, it's become a damn good answer, if you're on the side of the Oppressed against the Oppressor. 

And as these things pile up - divide the world, no mercy for the villains, all defining sins of the oppressors, erase the irredeemable, darn right violence against the oppressor establishment - you should be able to do the basic math.  Even now, while the pro-Hamas/anti-Israel side has polished its act up a bit and ditched the 'gas the Jews' chants (though I'm still seeing signs that read "Any means necessary"), the template meant to destroy the West is ironclad.  That is, Israel is part of the West, it is therefore the irredeemable Oppressor, therefore it must go the way of the Confederate flag, the Columbus Statue, the Robert E. Lee monument, the Jefferson memorial, and anything of the Oppressor that can't be cleansed of its unforgivable sins.

People like Dawn Eden, or any Jewish liberals today, have sown the wind, and they are only now beginning to realize that the whirlwind is around the corner.  Some are beginning to wake up, but what that means I don't know.  Will they put the brakes on and begin questioning this thing with which they've aligned for so many years?  Will they think if they can just make them stop calling for killing Jews this time, it will fix things for good?  I don't know.  The infinite capacity for humans to be stupid is one of our most endearing qualities.  


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    Something struck me the other day: what might unite Islamists and the Far Left is that both reject Biblical restrictions on the indulgence of male aggression and the appetites, especially the sexual appetite. Islam allows elite adult men who are "believers" pretty wide latitude in those departments, while restricting women, "infidels" and even male Muslims who trespass on the prerogatives of the elite. Our far-left are not too dissimilar in their threats to us conservative and Christian "infidels", and in their randiness. Both demand submission, neither will tolerate dissent and visit violence freely on their opponents (here by threats thus far, not beheadings).
    On the other hand, the God of Israel does not like foolin' around and makes that clear by how He treats Sodom, the world before the Flood, the worshippers of the golden calf and Baal-Phagor, generally doing big whup-a$$ on fornicators, adulterers and other practitioners of perversion (who are also then as know, violent as well as lascivious). St. Paul's language to the Corinthians leaves nothing to be doubted: Jesus means the same as His Father.
    Hatred of the West means hatred of the Ten Commandments.

    1. I thought this was good observation, Tom. Also, I just recently discovered Andrew Klavan over at the Daily Wire. I actually discovered him via a First Things podcast (Jesus and the Romantics) but started listening to his shows subsequently. On his last show I thought of your comment when he talked about the culture of death. His conclusion was ultimately that Hamas and our leftist culture cesspool leaders both draw from the same well: hatred of life and the God of life. Because living is hard, and without the God of life we prefer death. Addiction, indulgences,, distractions, etc... these are all just ways we choose death over life in our daily lives. And our whole culture is currently awash is ways to avoid living, especially living fully.

    2. To me, it's a testimony to the importance of arrogance to our modern self esteem that we continue to act like liberating sexual norms is just fine after over 40 million have died of AIDS. And that's just AIDS. That doesn't count other problems with spikes in STDs, broken families, troubled children, spiking sexual assault rates. We literally are the generation that will let people die by the tens of millions rather than admit something might not have been a good idea. Especially where sex is concerned, since that is simply the elaborate carrot that the World has used to draw people away from the straight and narrow (if the Left went puritan about sex but kept all of its other doctrines, would as many people - especially young people - still follow it as blindly as they do?).

  2. "Judge not, lest ye be judged." That doesn't phase you a bit, does it? Or perhaps you only think of it when it is convenient? Regardless, you're willing to hop right up on the Throne of Judgment and pronounce which killing is *really* bad and which is only *kinda* bad. Maybe you can explain why Hamas is really bad for killing hundreds of people, but Ohio is only sorta bad for enshrining abortion into your constitution.

    1. This is no joke, by the way. We really lack not not only the authority, and not only the knowledge, but also the wisdom to judge the gravity of sin and the guilt of sinners. Who was worse -- Hitler or Mengele? Hitler was ultimately responsible for more deaths, but Mengele was looking children in the eye and murdering them. If the question is even meaningful, the only one who can truly answer it is God Himself.

      There are many grave sins that it is fashionable to overlook. Israel just liberalized their abortion laws in response to the overturning of Roe v Wade, and one of the things they are bragging about is being one of the most hospitable places in the middle east for the LGBTQ movement. Since you say you used to be a Protestant pastor, you should know what happened when Achan stole spoils from Jericho and what happened when David conducted a census. The gravity God attaches to a sin, and the consequences that come from it, do not always scale with what outrages 21st-century Ohio. I hear even the eating of fruit once had serious consequences.

      It is important that we know right and wrong, so that we know what to do and what to avoid doing. That does not give us the right to say who is better and who is worse.

    2. Everything you wrote would have more weight if you could show me where I am not opposed to what happened in Ohio, or the murder of minorities, or the murder of white people, or the murder of anyone. For the life of me, I can't figure where you thought I was somehow fine with enshrining abortion in our constitution, but only upset about Hamas. I mean, are you new here? Try a more specific moniker than 'anonymous' and that might help me figure this out.


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