
Saturday, November 4, 2023

If you lose the birdwatchers, you've lost the West

So I saw this.  I had to do a double take. The American Ornithological Society is going to rename birds whose names are associated with Europeans.  That's because of course they are.  European means evil.  Evil cannot be forgiven or allowed to exist.  Evil must be erased and exterminated.  If you're having a hard time getting your head around young leftists cheering Hamas, joining with antisemitic chants, and saying the eradication of Israeli Jews just can't happen fast enough, this should help. 

Remember, there were three fundamental dogmas with the Left, and now there are four:

1) In a five billion year old Utopian world of peace, love, joy and John Lennon songs, the vile Western Christian Tradition alone brought all evil and wickedness to the world, and nothing good.  This is especially true as some of those things we gave credit to the West for changing - like ending infanticide - are increasingly seen as virtues, not vices.

2) All of history is the Oppressed versus the Oppressor.  If you are in that Oppressor class for the moment (depending on the topic at hand), you are seen the way Jews were seen in 1930s Germany.  It can be any two groups - Male v. Female, White v. Black, Straight v. Gay, Sane v. Trans, whatever.  But in all cases the Oppressor is altogether wretched and evil and the cause of all suffering, deserving nothing that he has, but everything he will get.  

3) A growing number of sins, especially bigotry and particularly racism, are irredeemable, all defining monolithic sins that demand the eradication of the sinner.  No forgiveness, no context, no nuance, simply erase. Just ask Columbus, Robert E. Lee, or Thom Jefferson. 

4) Plus, since 2020, the Left has followed its tendency of calling good what it once called evil, and evil what it once called good to the next logical step.  That is, going beyond embracing censorship, judging, dismissing equality to embracing violence for the just cause. Gone is 'violence is never the answer', now it's 'violence can sometimes be a damn good answer.' 

So when you see something like the AOS go all Taliban when it comes to Western history, imagine that in other circles.   I mean, when you think of threats to Western Civilization, birdwatchers aren't exactly what comes to mind.  Yet the easy and calm way in which they say these names must be erased, evil Europeans, scrub evidence of them, replace with appropriate words from not disposable civilizations, should be a wake up call.  That's how ubiquitous and implanted this thinking has become. 

And if that's what the bird watchers are willing to do, then what are those radical activists and zealots in our leftwing indoctrination camps formerly known as universities going to do?  Well, we're seeing what, aren't we.  Even though the press has done yeoman's work trying to sweep it under the carpet, these radical anti-Westerners won't be silenced.  They support the Palestinians, and are happy to see Israel wiped out.  That includes in some circles wanting Israelis wiped out.  That includes, in some quarters, pointing out that it isn't despite the fact that most Israelis are Jews, but precisely because they are Jews.  That's because try as they might, in the minds of the young Left, those Jews just can't sever the ties that exist between them and the West.  And that's all you need to know. 

After all, as the American Ornithological Society demonstrates, there is no room in our modern world for the taint of Western Evil.  And while the AOS may stop at renaming birds, others will happily take it to the next logical level. 


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    These idiots can't change the official (Latin) names, because those are internationally assigned and the professional scientists will not want their lists and papers messed with for "woke" silliness. Many common birds have multiple names anyway, because of language and geography. A lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
    Yet the intention is a little ominous: "White people really don't belong on this Continent."

    1. Tom, unfortunately you are really, really, naive. The modern professional scientist is one of the first adopters of wokeness.

      Look at any university that adopts DEI initiatives. These are adopted with hardly any pushback whatsoever. Occasionally there will be objections from an Economics, Mathematics or Engineering department. Once in a blue moon Physics will put up a fight. Chemistry and Biology never do, and of course the soft sciences are usually leading the charge for DEI.

      In 2020 there was a movement to "shut down STEM" to help out black people or something. The message was that science is secondary, fighting racism is what STEM should be about. The supporters included scientific departments from nearly every major university.

      A local biology department is doing all it can to purge the name of Linnaeus from its records, because he's an evil European donchaknow. (And come to think of it, doesn't a classification system sound kind of racist to begin with? Maybe we should throw that out too.) You really think that they're going to put up a fight to save some Latin classifications within that system if the alternative is being called racist?

    2. (Tom New Poster)
      US scientists (however woke) are not the only ones who have say. Do you think Russians, Chinese or Indians are going to go along with changing scientific names because some ass in Berkeley demands it? They may discover a limit to their reach.

    3. In our day and age, I don't think the point is doing anything official. It's literally swinging incense before the altar of the anti-West. Whether the Russians do or don't, or Chinese whatever, the point is they have added their voice to the calls for an end to the Western Tradition. They have put a stamp of approval on the idea that the West must be erased because evil. It may not change anything with birds, but it goes towards changing everything with minds.


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