
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

RIP Mike Flynn

Mike Flynn, known to me through his website The TOF Spot, has died.  I can't say how sad that makes me.  Mr. Flynn was quite brilliant, and one of those people who seemed to approach every topic he wrote about with a zeal I seldom manage for a last minute clutch football game. 

I was first introduced to Mr. Flynn through Mark Shea from back in the 'Catholic and Enjoying It' days.  Mark was quite a fan, and it isn't difficult to see why.  Though writing fiction of the science sort was his passion, he was also a keen observer of the world, of media stats and fallacies. and human nature in general.

Ed Feser has a fine write up, and says what I would say but better.  I agree that the thing about Mr. Flynn was his ability to remain, well, a gentleman.  Even in the world of online discourse.  More than once I saw people invoke the usual internet variations of 'your mamma wears army boots' when arguing over something Mr. Flynn wrote.  Yet never did I see him do anything but calmly demonstrate that he was the one with the facts on his side. 

Over the years he spoke to various topics, from climate change to politics to history.  Always he seemed interested in upending the dominant narratives presented by our modern betters, and getting us to see past the slick veneers meant to cover the obvious.  Over the years he blogged less and less, but I still visited at least once a week to make sure I didn't miss anything.  One of the few old blogs that I continued to follow.  

So may God welcome him into the reward we hope for.  To use the old cliche, our loss is heaven's gain.  God's blessings on his family and friends, and all of use who will be a little less blessed in this world for his passing. 


  1. I have always meant to read Eifelheim. I should finally get to it. May he rest in peace.

    1. I'm not into that brand of fiction. I will miss his keen appraisal of modern pop-science and scholarship (especially his tearing apart 'studies' trotted out by the media to prove a point).


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