
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Dawn Eden and what Catholics told me

When I was going through RCIA, I was told that the Catholic Church - apparently unlike Protestants - doesn't elevate our religious leaders to celebrity status.  We don't make it about them. We make it about God.  And that's how we like it.  No spotlight ministries or rock star pastors.  Catholics always point to Christ, not ordained celebrities. 

I thought of that when I saw this:

We'll set aside Ms. Eden's ongoing crusade to perpetually condemn the sins of Catholics where antisemitism is concerned.  That's what comes from swinging left of center.  As one of my boys has said, when your resume of generational accomplishments is as blank as ours, condemning the sins of those who came before is about all you have left. 

But the 'Pope Francis Generation' caught my attention.  Sorry, but that seems very celebrity-spotlight-rock star-ordained minister to my eyes.  We're not the Catholic, the faithful, or even the 21st Century Catholic generation.  We're the Pope Francis Generation!  I'm trying to recall any Protestants I remember saying that we were the Billy Graham generation or the Rick Warren generation.  Nope.  Not remembering it. 

But these are the values inspired by Pope Francis. Not only are we at our best when we perpetually call out the sins of those not-me Catholics-who-lived-before-me.  But the rules, like not celebrating the priesthood as rock stars the way Protestant do, can change to keep up with the always improving times.  Which might be the true legacy of Pope Francis.  In the end, there is nothing that can't be changed when it comes to changing what can't be changed. 


  1. She is of Francis, and she wants you to know that in no uncertain terms.

    I remember when she was big-hearted, good-humored, and had a gentle irreverence that exuded a real joy.

    I cannot remember how long ago that was.

    1. Boy I remember that too. She was gracious, always ready to reach out to people even when disagreeing, whimsical and kind. All those years ago.

    2. Probably 2015 or earlier. For all the squawking about Trump supporters losing their minds, those who went all in on the “Trump hate train” are the ones who actually ascribed to him more power than he ever had, IMO. But what a dumb thing on their part. He was not nearly so powerful as they let him be in their lives, ironically.

    3. Bernadette, the level of anti-Trump hysterics made the most off the wall Trump fanboys seem sane by comparison. Basically it has been used to justify throwing down all principles and values in the name of defeating Trump, since clearly he is the greatest threat in the world.

    4. Great article and think your insight about the Trump haters is right on. Although, Trump certainly enjoys playing the role of Road Runner poking Wile E. Coyote in our Looney Tune world. As for anyone self-identifying as being of the Francis Generation, it's a helpful label that speaks volumes of where they stand.

  2. I believe that she has lost the essence of being Catholic.

    1. I wouldn't go that far. But she has sure lost the joy, morphing into a 24/7 scold.

      Now that I think of it, she lines up with her hero pontiff quite well on that point...

    2. The sad part is that back in the day, she was such a bright spot in the Catholic convert world. Kind, open, avoiding the partisanship that was already forming back then. Sad to see what has happened to her.

    3. I wouldn't go that far. But she has sure lost the joy, morphing into a 24/7 scold.
      Age injures many of us. She also had a collision with the theological academy.

  3. About what I'd expect from Where Peter Is. Very strange group writing there.

    1. Not so much strange as predictable. They took defending Pope Francis at every turn and decided to just accept leftwing narratives across the board. At least where assessing conservatives is concerned.

  4. No spotlight ministries or rock star pastors.
    As a general rule, though I thought the reaction of some to JPii had that quality. Fr. Corapi and Fr. CutiƩ might be other examples.

    1. Oh it happened. But those who criticized such 'cult hero worship' appeared to have the Church's general attitudes behind them. And yet, once again, we see those who decried such hero worship of a Corapi just fine and hunky-dory when it comes to the same (or more) applied to Pope Francis.


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