
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Remember what I said yesterday?

About how, when it comes to climate change, scientists and journalists increasingly sound like carnival carnies shouting out for  the sideshow, rather than actual scientists and journalists?  I thought you might enjoy this:

It's from the current weather report out of Columbus.  The map indicates the area we live in (circled in red), and the Heat Advisory, indicating an excessive heat watch for severe heat.  Note the forecasted high temp - 79 degrees.  Granted, yesterday did end up getting pretty warm, with the mid 80s and a pretty high humidity.  I'd say it felt around the high 80s or low 90s at the hottest. 

Right now, the humidity is 62, which can be a bit sticky, but since it's only in the high 70s, that's not too bad.  Plus there is a slight breeze out of the north, making it more than comfortable.  It might get up to 79 by the late afternoon or so, but I don't see it near the high 80s, which is the least I think of for a heat advisory. 

But this is the news.  Again, on the morning news shows, they focused on the Heat Index. claiming it could make it feel upwards of the 90s.  But they're soldering on with the Heat Advisory, despite it being a pleasantly warm summer day at 77 degrees with a slight breeze.  We call that brainwashing. 

Also, it's funny because that is often the example given for someone who wants something perfect.  You know, 'apparently you can't function unless it's sunny with a the high 70s and a cool northerly breeze.'  Meaning perfect conditions are demanded by you.  Except now, those once perfect conditions apparently indicate extreme heat advisory.  


  1. I noticed this pattern too, after you pointed out yesterday. There’s no reason for them to be putting out a heat advisory today! So ridiculous.

    1. I get that there are some parts of the country where they actually had heat waves. That's my problem. If they stuck with the facts instead of trying to leaven them with such clownery. Though the sad part is how many in our area are acting like it has been that hot, because apparently that's what they're told.

    2. That’s the thing that gets me: people believe this stuff instead of looking out their window or going outside. Apparently our own perceptions are no longer to be trusted; we can only trust what the media tells us. What’s next? War is Peace? Slavery is Freedom? Ignorance is Strength? I foresee so many abuses of this unwarranted trust in weather apps and media institutions.

    3. I think that was the point Orwell was trying to make. There comes a time when the State doesn't even have to try. On a 77 degree day, the official actors say 'it's been a hot one', and people believe it because it is the officially sanctioned actors saying so.

  2. After the Hurricane Hillary passed through So Cal over weekend, the "news" showed a picture of "flooding" at Dodger Stadium. The Stadium is on a hill, not the likeliest place for a flood. The picture showed a shiny parking lot, not a flood, but slick pavement after a rainfall. Anyone who lives in LA knows, Dodger Stadium parking lot don't flood. But scare mongering is the word of the day for the "unbiased media."

    1. That's Orwellian. Though you're right, if something on a hill floods that bodes ill for everywhere nearby not on a hill. You'd think, therefore, the picture would have shown all of LA underwater. Since, at least by my thinking, that's what a stadium on a hill flooding would look like.

  3. You know we're in trouble when you can't watch the weather or read the sports news without being bombarded with leftist propaganda on a daily basis.

    1. The general narrative growing up was that having politics injected into everything was a trait of those totalitarian regimes of old. It was also an argument against forcing kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance. I remember that brought up when I was in college. Aren't the bad guys the ones who make everything about politics and political allegiances? Funny that.


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