
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Red Leader Journalism

When I say Red Leader journalism, I'm calling to mind one of the many iconic scenes from the original Star Wars.  As the rebels try against all odds to destroy the Death Star, one of the commanders (Red Leader), makes his run against the target.  If you've seen the movie, you can't help but remember the scene.  His stone cold determination and focus on the task at hand are immortalized in his monotone 'almost there...almost there.'

But when I see how the news media shamelessly exploits and focuses on and ignores and dismisses stories based purely on the advantage the stories have for the media agendas, I can't help but think of that scene.  It's as if they have the same stone cold determination to not act until a story that can be exploited comes across the news feed:

A transgender activist  just murdered six people in a conservative Christian school!

Almost there

A black man with anti-white social media posts just killed five white people!

Almost there

A Muslim just attacked multiple collage students while yelling Allahu-Akbar!

Almost there

An opponent of the LGBTQ agenda just killed someone over a Pride Flag!

It's away! 

At which point we see front page headlines, round the clock coverage, national press outlets exploding across the media, protests, debate shows, and breaking coverage 24/7 for days or even weeks.  The others being dropped within a day or two if they bother to cover them at all. 

On any given day, we'll have at least one murder in central Ohio, usually in Columbus.  Dozens are killed on a daily basis in our country.  Yet the press will only ever care when the death or attack can further the leftwing agendas and narratives

This is a grave evil.  One of the gravest in an age of grave evils.  The exploitation and ignoring of human beings simply to advance agendas.  A human being has been murdered.  An important person has lost her life.  But the only reason we are hearing about it now across all outlets and plastered on headlines across the nation, as dozens of other victims are ignored, is because of the issues involved.  And we darn well know it. 

May God grant peace to the loved ones of the victim and strength to those left behind.  May the killer be converted from the evil spirits that drove him to such madness and violence.  And may God have mercy on the souls of journalists who have made it clear that they see in this tragedy only an advantage.

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