
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

John Pavlovitz and the necessity of bad exegesis for liberal Christianity

Now, bad exegesis happens.  And it's hardly unique to liberal Christians.  But like so many negative traits, it seems almost universal among liberals, especially liberal Christians.  That's because the liberalism they embrace rejects their Faith, its values, its beliefs, its entire worldview.  Therefore, trying to shove that square peg of Gospel into that round hole of the secular World demands some clever approaches to interpreting the Scriptures. 

John Pavlovitz demonstrates this here with a little exegetical trick call proof-texting: 

Mr. Pavlovitz knows darn well that nobody denies there were manifold sins within Sodom and Gomorrah.  The scriptural record is clear on that.  And that includes that hot topic of the ancient world, hospitality.  When my sons went through the ancient Greek literature part of their homeschooling, they concluded The Odyssey was one giant screed against bad hospitality.  

Likewise Pride is certainly a chief sin of the Faith, as demonstrated in the above scriptural passage (more on that later).  But so is sexual assault, homosexuality, and generic bad behavior, all of which were an afront to God's will for social virtues.  Here is Jude with a refresher course on some of the sins going on there that Mr. Pavlovitz seems to skip: 

Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.  Jude 7.

And in case we need a little mental jarring about what kind of 'fornication' was being demonstrated, let's go back to the hazy mists of Genesis:

But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house; and they called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” Lot went out of the door to the men, shut the door after him, and said, “I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly. Behold, I have two daughters who have not known man; let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please; only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof.”  Genesis 19.4-8 (emphasis mine)

Was Sodom guilty of manifold sins?  Yes.  Among these, and pointed out explicitly, was their desire to break the rules of hospitality.  And the way in which they wanted to do it was so bad, the men demanding sex with the men visiting Lot, that Lot would rather break other rules of virtue by handing his daughters over than to see such a wicked act occur.   As my ethics professor David Gushee said back in the day (c.1996), you can't deny that where the scriptural record is concerned, homosexuality is presented as the ultimate deviation from sexual morality.  To only focus on one sin of Sodom above all others is problematic.  To ignore or downplay sins explicitly detailed in the Scriptures and the traditions of the Faith, however, is far worse. 

We won't even get into the stupid 'the abomination was anti-wokeness' line.  That's not worth the effort. 

Again, when you insist I remain ignorant or embrace falsehoods in order to agree with you, I'll choose disagreeing every time. In fact, the heavy reliance on such mendacity by Christians trying to square the LGBTQ movement with a biblical worldview always made me side with the biblical world view. 

None of this is to bother with Pavlovitz's suggestion that these 'Bible thumpers' are prideful, or don't help  the poor or don't care.  In every church I ever served, those 'Bible thumpers' tried to help those in need.  But this is focusing on the exegesis he is using.  It is not wasting time addressing that typical tactic so universal among leftwing political activism that must assume malicious motives and intentions and behaviors, rather than engage in the actual subject at hand.  The bad exegeses should be enough to raise the warning flag. 

By the way, a little fun study-the-Bible moment that says a lot.  I checked the biblical text for Ezekiel that he uses (it appears to be from the always flexible New International Version).  I consulted 55 translations.  Out of 55 translations, the Hebrew word (gawohn) in Ezekiel 16.49 is translated 'Pride' or 'Prideful' 47 times.  For example, from the Revised Standard Edition:

Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, surfeit of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.

That's 85% of the time.  In terms of usage within the Scriptures, that word is rendered 'pride' or 'proud' more than any other way.  Yet in an odd twist of coincidence, Mr. Pavlovitz manages to grab one of the few modern translations that uses 'arrogant', rather than 'pride.'  Odd that.  Especially since this Twitter post was in defense of Pride Month.  

My favorite non-pride translation, BTW, was the New English Translation that translates the word as 'Majesty.'   Remember kiddies, know your translations!  And more importantly, pay careful attention to how those translations are used and who is using them. 


  1. This is so stupid. The New Testament warns against "immorality" again and again and again. The Greek term is porneia, which would be better translated as "sexual immorality." It covers to sexual immorality of all types, which for first century Jews unquestionably included homosexual activity. So every time in the New Testament that "immorality" is condemned, the sin of homosexual activity is included (as well as regular fornication, adultery, etc.). There is just no way around it.

    Then there are the specific condemnations of homosexuality in Romans 1:21-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1Timothy 1:9-11. See also Jude 7: "just as Sodom and Gomor′rah and the surrounding cities, which likewise acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire." Moderns try to twist this condemnation of "unnatural lust" into a condemnation of the desire for sex with angels, but that does not work since the Sodomites clearly sought sex with "men" and had no idea the men they lusted after were angels.

    Finally, the Church has always understood the sin of "sodomy" as homosexual fornication of any type, and has authoritatively defined and condemned it as being such. It's too late for a redo or reformulation that limits "sodomy" to mere sexual violence being or uncharitable.

    1. To be brutally honest? This is not the worst I've seen from liberal Christians defending the post-biblical approach to sex. I think the prize goes to a local church that was at our county fair back in the 2000s. They were there purely to promote the gay movement. Among their banners was one that said 'the original Bible never mentions homosexuality.' The defense of that when I asked them to explain it? The words 'homosexuality' doesn't appear in the original Greek or Hebrew. Which is true, if you think on it. But then, if you think on it, you get the glaring problem.

  2. Everyone gets a Bible verse wrong now and then. The problem with liberal "Christians" is that they never get a verse right. Their false gospel is absolutely dependent on getting the Bible wrong, every time.

    1. Trying to square historical Christianity with the modern Left does present problems. When the Left pretty much operates on the premise that God doesn't really exist and science and scholarship have debunked religion, and more to the point the worst and most evil religious lies are from the Christian Faith, it's a bit tough to get those two things to play well together.

  3. I had to look this guy up too. To me he seems like he is the type of guy who couldn’t be a successful personality in a regular setting, so he went to a Christian platform. And *sigh*, of course he has to brand himself and the progressive brand fits rather comfortably for those who lean worldly anyway. I honestly don’t know how any professed Christian, in good conscience, can side with the world and justify almost every worldly impulse and be taken seriously? But what is that in the Bible about the end times... men will just follow people who say what they want to hear?...

    1. Many reasons. It's not anything new, it's just that for most of Christian history, when Christians sided with the 'World' it was a world at least somewhat informed by the revelations of the Jewish and Christian faiths. Today, that is not the case. Today, almost anything the Jewish and Christian faiths proclaim is being put on the chopping block. Think gender. I believe many liberal Christians, seeing the writing on the wall where resisting the emerging Left is concerned, have decided 'when in Rome.' The problem is, Rome is increasingly out to destroy anything and everything to do with the Western Christian democratic tradition. Which makes liberal Christians have to do some golly-gee-wiz when it comes to putting that square peg of the Christian faith in the round hole of the increasingly hostile world.


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